Chapter 23: The Other Side

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Grayheart's POV:

I was cuddled in the warriors' den as I mourned for Mosspaw. She was exiled last night and I can't bare the thought of my daughter wandering in the forest alone. 

"ThunderClan, gather!" Firestar's mew rang throughout the clearing. I then padded out of the den and sat among the crowd of cats. "One of our patrols have spotted a group of cats much, much bigger than us. There's more of them than in the clans put together. They're on their way to fight us."

"When?" Poppyfrost asked.

"Now," Firestar answered. 

"Now? But we aren't ready--" Daisy exclaimed.

"Yeah. Queens such as Daisy can't fight as well as the warriors." Mewed Rosepetal.

"Surely we need time to strengthen up before every battle." Lionblaze stood up.

"I know it's hard, but we'll try our best. Daisy can guard the nursery."

"Firestar," Liontail stood up from the crowd. "They came to attack all four clans. Besides, I was living with them for a while before I figured out that they're against you all. They're starting from ThunderClan, though, because we are the closest to where they live. If ThunderClan can't fight them alone, we'll have all four clans by our side. But the other clans don't know this is coming..."

"Okay," Firestar began. "Mousewhisker, Blossomfall." He mewed as he turned to the two warriors. "Run as fast as you can to every clan telling them the news. And make sure you do it before they attack. I know that it's a long distance run, but it's worth it."

"Of course, Firestar." Mousewhisker mewed as he and Blossomfall dashed off.

"Great... another battle means another excuse to use up all of our herbs..." Jayfeather grumbled as he padded back into the medicine den.

"Liontail, Grayheart." I pricked my ears as soon as I heard the leader call my name. "You are going out into the forest and see how close they are to us." 

"C'mon, Grayheart." My father mewed as he stood up. "We have no time to waste."

Liontail and I ran as fast as we could 'til we got to the deep forest area. Then we saw them, as big as Firestar described, and as much of them. I signaled Liontail to hide behind a bush with me.

In the front was a muscular red tom. "Look at this guys, there's a lot of us, so the entire area around the lake will fit us perfectly. And see, a rabbit." He pointed his tail towards a fluffy white rodent which got startled by the cats. "Good hunting grounds, too."

"But are you sure it's worth fighting for it?" Mewed a smokey gray and white tom.

"Splotch, we used to live in a garbage disposal. So how is this not any better?!"

Splotch then kept his mouth shut as he let his leader take the front.

"They're so close to coming. Almost just outside our camp." Liontail flattened his ears.

"We need to report this to the clan." I whispered as we made a run for it. 

It might be over for ThunderClan. We both knew that. It didn't need to be discussed. Because we just spotted the other side.

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