009: I should have a gun

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Leo 9

"Don't move," Minho instructs, his weapon raised in the air, aiming at the body. "Unless you're in desperate need for a bone-tan."

I move around to the other side, trying to get a better look at the guard on the ground. It's difficult to see in the dim light. I wish I had kept my bag of supplies and the flashlight inside. In fact, I feel rather empty without my backpack. Even this light jacket isn't doing me any good, since its pockets are purely for fashion.

The man doesn't listen to Minho, wiping his hair out of his face. It's Jorge.

Brenda is on him before I can be. Still, I get as close as I get, checking him for blood. There is none, but I haven't ruled concussion off the table. I probably won't until we are on the ship, which makes me pretty nervous.

"Are you okay?" Brenda helps pull Jorge into a sitting position. "Who hurt you? Did they take everybody?"

"Slow down chica before you talk your jaw off," Jorge shoves Brenda off of him lightly. His speech seems fine, at least.

Newt and Minho seem to relax at the sight of Jorge. I don't really know the full history of this guy, but I guess I'm trusting him with my life. Concussion aside, anyway. While Jorge breathes in and out, I can't help but wonder under what circumstances he met our group.

"Those damn brats stole a bunch of weapons, knocked out all the lights, and ran off with a pilot and a Berg." Jorge grumbles, pulling himself to his feet. "I tried to stop them, but that girl Teresa wasn't haven't it. Thanks to her, it feels like my heads split open on the floor."

Thomas takes a step back, bumping into Newt. Both of their faces stare back at me, both agape. I struggle to determine who to look at.

"They left without us?" Sheil asks.

'You were prepared to leave without them," Dawn shrugs, rolling here eyes. "Is anyone even a bit surprised that Teresa would do the same to us? She was shucking okay with getting us all killed just a couple weeks ago."

I hate to admit that she is right. Harriet wouldn't wait for us, simply because she has to protect the rest of our people. Which means, none of the girls would wait.

"Fry left too, you know," Minho reminds her. His voice is calm.

Dawn flinches. Her eyes search the group for something she expects to find but can't. She flicks them to the ground, and her voice becomes a husk. "I know."

Michelle and I exchange a glance. Dawn is lying; she forgot about Fry.

"Just tell us what shucking happened," Minho turns back to Jorge. "And quickly. We can get you a klunk Advil later."

"I wouldn't be so quick to shout at me, if you still enjoy having ten fingers." I guess Jorge is referencing whatever fight I was never party too.

Dawn stiffens from across from him. Jorge should be more than careful to threaten Minho in front of her, especially since she is more unstable now than ever.

"I think you are more than out numbered now," Minho corrects Jorge.

"Quit it," Brenda cuts in. "What happened?"

Jorge takes in a large gust of air. He pulls himself to his feet, balancing his weight against the heavy crate in front of him. "I don't know why I have to spell it out for you muchachos. The sirens went off. Teresa and her gang showed up. I tried to stop them from running off with Tony and my Berg, but some blonde chick hit me in the head. It's not complicated."

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