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When Wooyoung was fifteen he had a best friend, they knew each other since diapers. They did everything together, they used to be so close that people thought they were a couple.
He never thought much about it, until someday he did. He catched feelings for his best friend, he tried numerous times to make his feelings known. But he failed every time.

One day he was coming back home from school and he saw Yeonjun waiting for him at his doorstep. He instantly smiled, wanting to spend some time with his crush. But he never expected what was going to be said to him.

"Hi Yeonj-" the taller boy cut him of before he could even greet him.

"I don't have time for this Wooyoung. We should stop hanging out. I know you have feelings for me, and that's something that doesn't sit right with me." Yeonjun left him speechless.

"W-what are you talking about?"

"Please do me a favour and stop playing stupid, it's so obvious it's sad. How you're always following me like a lost puppy. It's pathetic, you should get a life." he spat with his voice full of venom.

"Why are you being so mean? We can still be friends. It's just a stupid crush!" the smaller boy was trying to make him understand. He didn't want to loose his best friend.

"That's not the problem, the problem is that I cannot be seen with some faggot that acts like you do! You're following me all the time and you don't let me be. I don't want more people to think that I'm sick in the head like you!" he yelled at Wooyoung's face.

He was a crying mess by now, he couldn't believe that the person he trusted the most in the world was saying those awful things about him.

All he did was turn around and run until he made it to his house.

Present days

Wooyoung was seating in his bed staring at his ceiling while all the other members were downstairs having dinner.

He was feeling a little down since he couldn't concentrate properly during rehearsals, the cause being one of his hyungs.

Ever since he met him on his trainee days he felt something strong for Seonghwa. He couldn't quite describe the feeling at the beginning but now he knew it was love. It wasn't a silly crush like the ones he had before, it was different, stronger than anything he'd ever felt.
But that didn't mean he wasn't afraid, he was terrified of telling one of his best friends that he was in love with him. Wooyoung knew he wouldn't be able to handle another rejection, another heartbreak.

So he bottled up all of his desires to tell the older for a long time. But he couldn't anymore.
There were times when the visual didn't know how to react in front of Seonghwa, he would just stare at him with heart eyes. He was surprised no one had said anything about him liking the other boy.

If he decided to tell Seonghwa he liked him, it would change everything. Whether it'd have a good or bad outcome it would change everything. And he didn't know what he would do if it went badly.

Deciding it was enough of him sulking around, he got up and left his room to go get some food.

Only Mingi, Hongjoong and Seonghwa were there finishing with the dirty plates.

"Hey Woo, you okay? You were in your room for a long time" the leader asked him.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little stressed with rehearsals" he smiled at the older.

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