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The room was slowly starting to fill with smoke.

Six out of the eight members were in the street in front of the building watching how the firefighters tried to stop the fire from spreading to the rest of the apartments.

Mingi was currently grocery shopping and Yunho was out with some friends, they didn't know what was happening.
No one knew how the fire started. Hongjoong and the other five were retuning from buying take out from everyone when they came to face their dorms on fire.

The firefighters were doing everything they could to stop the fire but it was getting difficult as there was a lot of wind.

After half an hour Mingi returned with his arms full of bags with food when he saw what was happening.
He started running as soon as he saw the rest of his friends by the sidewalk.

"Guys! What's going on? Where's Yunho?" he asked breathless.

"I think he's still out with his friends that came from Gwangju" San replied.

"No, he called me saying that he was coming back to the dorms because he had an argument with one of his friends" the taller was getting worried by now "He even sent me a message saying he arrived"

"We didn't know he was there" Jongho said.

Everyone looked at each other with their eyes full of worry.

"Then that means he's still inside!" Jongho yelled.

As soon as those words left the maknae's mouth Mingi started running towards the door of the building. Several firefighters tried to stop him from entering the building but he just pushed them and kept running.
When he made it to their apartment he kicked the door and he instantly started to cough from the smoke.

"Yunho! Are you here?! Please! Yunho answer me!" the red haired boy shouted while he tried to make it to the taller's bedroom.

No answer was heard.

The hallway to their bedrooms was full of smoke and the heat was overbearing.
Mingi soon made it to Yunho's door and opened it.

The older was laying on the floor half unconscious.

"Yunho, baby. Please wake up, we need to get out" he received no response from the other and he quickly picked him up.

He carried him in his arms through the hallway until they reached the stairs, as soon as he set foot on the first step a part of the ceiling came down on his back.
Both of them fell down to the floor with a tud and the movement was enough to wake Yunho up.

"Min- Migni?" he said through coughs and big breaths.

He didn't get any response from the boy.
A big piece of wood from the stairs was trapping his leg on the floor and the younger was unconscious.

The brown haired boy made his way to the other and tried to lift the wood but it was nearly impossible since he was exhausted and didn't have any strength left in his body.

"Mingi, wake up. We need to get out!" the flames were getting closer and he wasn't going to leave his friend there.

He was crying by now. He tried desperately for what felt like hours to lift Mingi from the ground, but only a few minutes passed until he heard rushed footsteps coming their way. He was exhausted, body giving up on him. All he felt before passing out was the voice of the firefighters while they rescued them both.

"It might take him a few hours or days to wake up. He inhaled a lot of smoke and you guys told me he was recovering from a cold so it might be a little more difficult for Mingi to recover. And in regard of his leg it is broken so he will have that cast for at least eight weeks" the doctor explained the group of seven "Other that that he should be fine, no mayor damage was done to his lungs or throat so he will be able to rap in no time"

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