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Jongho lived all of his life thinking he liked girls. It was just something he was "supposed" to like, so he never put much thought into it.
During his high school years he had a few hook ups, and one short relationship with a girl from his neighborhood.

He never thought it would be possible for him to like a guy. Not until he first saw Kang Yeosang.
He was out having dinner with his friends Hongjoong and Wooyoung when a boy approached their table.
He wasn't paying attention to the newcomer, not until he heard his voice. As soon as he looked into the older's eyes he knew he was a goner.
After the boy left he couldn't stop thinking about him and his ethereal face.
He learned he was Wooyoung's high school best friend who he hadn't seen in a few months.
Wooyoung kept talking about Yeosang and Jongho couldn't help but pay attention to everything that was being said about the boy who just in a few seconds stole his heart.

After that first encounter they saw each other several times, Yeosang started to come around Wooyoung's apartment where Jongho also lived. And they became really close. They shared a lot of movie nights and dinners. The rest of their friends would come by and the eight would have an amazing time together.

The other six knew something deeper was happening in the maknae's head. They also saw a change in Yeosang's behavior when Jongho was around.
They would shamelessly flirt with each other, but the other would never seem to notice.

Having had enough of their obliviousness, Wooyoung decided to speak with the rest to make a plan so they could bring them both together.
They all met in San's house so they could talk freely.

"Guys, I think it's getting quite sad how desperately in love they are with each other and I'm tired of them complaining about how much they want to be together but not doing anything about it" Wooyoung's boyfriend San said.

"I agree, Yeosang is always talking non stop about wanting to confess to Jongho" Seonghwa chimed in.

"What do you suggest we do?" Mingi asked the rest.

"I have an idea!" Hongjoong said.

"Why Wooyoung? I don't even know this guy" Yeosang whined.

"Please Sang! He's an old friend of mine, and he really likes you. It would be just one date. Make some conversation, and it would be good for you to get your mind away from you know who" the younger insisted.

"Ugh, fine. Okay! I will go, but if he turns out to be a creep or has a weird fetish with smelling feet I will shave your head!"

"That's why you're my best friend! Thank you Sangie, I promise it'll go fantastic" the younger left after giving him the time and place where he would meet this "friend".

Little did they know that the maknae heard the whole conversation and left to his room with a lump in his throat.

Mingi made his way to Jongho's bedroom after not hearing from him for the last few hours.

"Jongho? Are you in here?" he said while opening the door. The younger was laying in bed just staring at a wall with a expressionless look in his face.

"Hey bro, what's wrong?" the red haired asked.

"I was right, Yeosang is not interested in me. He's actually going on a date tomorrow and he's going to be happy with someone else. Which obviously is what he deserves because he's the most precious human being in this planet. I'm just sad it's not me who he is going to be happy with"

"Woah, that's a bit extreme. Don't you think?" the taller said while sitting next to him "You just have to tell him how you feel. He cares a whole lot about you. And there's a big chance he feels the same"

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