Woohwa •

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Wooyoung hated Seonghwa.

They met two years ago. Wooyoung and his six friends lived in a big house together and since there was a spare room, they all decided to have someone else living with them. It took a while to find another boy. Until one day one of his friends, Hongjoong, told the rest that he had a friend that wanted to move to the city and was looking for a place to live. They all felt relieved that at least it was someone one of them knew, so the older informed his friend that he could go live there.

One week later they met Park Seonghwa.

Ever since the first moment Wooyoung saw him, he felt attracted to the older. He was kind, smart, took care of everyone like a big brother and was insanely handsome. It was all Wooyoung wanted in a man. And after some days passed, the younger felt like his attraction was scalating into real feelings. They began to spend a lot of time together, watching movies, talking about music, their families, and their jobs. Wooyoung didn't know if the other was into guys too, but seeing how Seonghwa reacted at his flirting, he thought he had a chance with him. So after a few more months of spending time together, Wooyoung decided to confess.

It was a sunday morning when non of the boys were working nor studying, Wooyoung had prepared what he was going to say in his mind. Repeating it over and over again in front of his mirror. He tried to look as presentable as he could and made his way towards Seonghwa's bedroom which was next to his.

Before he could knock on the taller's door, he stopped dead in his tracks. He could hear the other talking to someone behind the closed door.

"Uf... okay. I've been trying to tell you this for the longest time. I know we are friends, and I would hate if our relationship stopped being as amazing as it is now because of what I'm about to say to you." there was a pause in Seonghwa's voice. "I'm in love with you. I've been feeling this way for months, after all those late nights we spent talking until sunrise. After seeing how amazing you are, how good your heart is. I couldn't help but fall in love with every little part of you."

By the time Seonghwa finished talking, Wooyoung was silently sobbing in the hallway. But what came next made his heart break even more.

"Oh, my god" it was Yeosang's voice.

"Would you like to be my boyfriend?"

Before anyone else could say anything else. Before he could hear the other's response. Wooyoung ran and locked himself in his room.

He couldn't believe it. Yeosang, his best friend, the only one of his friends that knew about his feelings. Was the one Seonghwa was in love with. He felt betrayed, hurt and heartbroken.

Five days passed where all he did was stay in his bed crying and not letting anyone in. Both Yeosang and Seonghwa had gone to check up on him, not knowing what was wrong with the younger. The older told him several times that he had something to say to him, but Wooyoung wouldn't listen. And what hurt the most, was that his best friend never tried to tell him what happened. He didn't know if the two were a couple or not, he didn't know what Yeosang had responded, but either way he expected his two friends to be honest with him and tell him what was going on between them.

After a week of him not coming out of his room, he decided he had enough of him being sad. He wouldn't let the others affect him, he wasn't gonna keep crying over someone that didn't deserve him.

Every time Seonghwa tried to talk to him, as if he wasn't hiding anything from the younger, Wooyoung would ignore him. He was getting really mean at everyone, not wanting to talk to Yeosang either. He would get home from his classes and he would stay in his room until dinner where he would sit without saying a word to anyone.

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