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The other six members could never understand why Jongho and San didn't like each other.

When they first met, they instantly started to compete at everything, both boys would try to destroy the other at every chance they got.

Both being vocalists of Ateez, made them even more jealous of each other. Jongho's powerful vocals made San livid because he felt he couldn't keep up. And the older's amazing skills at dancing made the maknae furious as he knew he wasn't at that level yet.

Many times, during the Hala Hala choreography, when they had to push each other it would be with intentions of truly hurting the other. It never got physical between them, as the rest of the members were always there to stop them before anything scalated into a fight.

It wasn't pleasant for anyone to watch them constantly argue or make mean comments about the other. No one understood the hatred. But every time someone asked, it all ended in a fight again.

The first time something worst happened, was when they were preparing to perform the previously mentioned song at M Countdown after their album release. While they were all rehearsing, Jongho couldn't stop thinking about a comment San made a few hours before, about how he didn't know why the younger vocal was accepted in the group in the first place. He really wanted to punch the older until tomorrow.

Having only and hour left for rehearsals, they decided to do Hala Hala's choreo one more time. Jongho knew he was starting to loose control when it came to not punching San, every time the part where he had to grab the visual and push him came, he added a bit more of strength into it.

San was getting tired of it. So the next time the part arrived, and he was pushed harder than the last time, he regained his foot and marched towards the other and threw a punch directly at the younger's jaw, making everyone stop, immediately ruining the performance.

Jongho didn't wait too much to throw his first punch, landing it in San's lower lip causing it to bleed a little. The force of the younger made him fall into his back, but before he could get up, or the other could continue to punch him, the other members quickly separated them.

"What the fuck is wrong with you two?!" their leader screamed making them both stop their struggle against Mingi and Yunho who were containing the boys before they went all beast mode again.

"He's the one that started!"

"You're a bitch!"

"Why are you even in this group?!"

"I'm gonna fucking destroy you!"

"Enough!" Seonghwa's firm voice said. "You need to stop this. It's not a healthy work environment for any of us"

The never stoped glaring at each other while their band mates scolded them.

After they all calmed down, the choreographer decided to end the rehearsal there, and they all went back home.

None of the other six members talked to the duo, being too disappointed.

A few months passed without much conflict between San and Jongho. Only a few arguments, but nothing like the last time. The others came to the conclusion that the two might have decided to be mature about it and just avoid conflict.

What came as a surprise to everyone, was the fact that both guys slowly started to get on well with each other. They stopped being rude and a friendship was blossoming, along with other feelings.

They were currently preparing to go to Australia in order to film the Treasure Film after a few concerts there.

When they arrived at the house they were going to stay in for the next few days, a box was discovered, and it contained a bunch of challenges for the members, some individual and some for the whole group.

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