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It was almost 10PM when it started raining.

Hongjoong was sitting in his bed wearing comfortable clothes, trying to finish a project he had for a class that was due in a few days.

He was ready to go to sleep, but before he could go to bed he decided to go make some tea to help himself fall asleep.

While he was in the kitchen he heard a soft knock on his front door.

Looking at the clock he saw it was currently 10:15PM.

Who would knock on someone's door at this hour?

He only could think of one person.

He unlocked and then opened his door to be met with a soaking wet Mingi. But what caught his attention were the bruises in the taller's face.

"Hi" Mingi smiled tiredly.

"Did he do it again?" Hongjoong asked concerned.

"Yeah" the older let him in "You know how it is"

The red haired boy made his way to the living room and dropped on the couch.

Hongjoong grabbed a towel and some spare clothes from his bedroom that the other had left there the last time this happened.

"You should go take a shower and then I'll clean your wounds"

The younger came back after fifteen minutes and sat besides Hongjoong.

"You can't keep living like this Min" the shorter frowned. "You need to leave that house before things get worse"

"I know Joong, but where would I go?" Mingi placed the other on his lap and wrapped his arms around his waist. "I have yet to find a job."

"Um... you could come live here" the white haired boy whispered while he tended to his bruised face.


He sighed. "You know... like, you could move in with me. Get away from your asshole of a brother, and when you find a job you won't have to worry about renting a place on your own"

"Are- Joong, are you sure? You've done so much for me already. I wouldn't want to be a bother"

"I-I'm totally sure, that's why I offered. It would be nice to have you here" he shyly replied without making eye contact "Where I know you are safe"

The taller looked at him with nothing but pure adoration in his eyes before trapping him in a warm hug.

"Thank you so much Joong, you're the best" Mingi didn't let go of him for a long time.

A few hours had passed and both boys were laying on the couch while they watched some movie that non of them was actually paying attention to.

Mingi had his back facing the couch while he held Hongjoong by his waist in a spooning position.

Drifting in and out of sleep, Hongjoong could feel the other softly caressing his hair.

He would be lying if he said he wasn't completely whipped for his best friend.

He had been almost since they met at a book store nearly four years ago.

The younger caught his attention instantly, with the blue hair he wore at that time and his bright personality.

He also met two of his other friends that same day, Seonghwa and Yeosang. Who had been dating since before Hongjoong knew them.

The couple were Mingi's high school friends and were the only ones who knew about Hongjoong's crush on the other.

Not because he told them, but because he wasn't that good at hiding his love for their friend.

They tried many times to get the shorter to confess but they never succeed.

Hongjoong had practically zero trust in himself when it came to relationships. Always thinking that when he would finally express his feelings, the other person would laugh at him.

He was clueless when it came to other people's feelings towards him.
Believing that it all must be a joke and that no one would actually take interest in his boring self.

But when talking about Mingi, it was completely different. He was not only afraid of being rejected, he also dreaded the thought of loosing the other as his best friend, his other half.

Both boys had been through so much together since they met, and their friendship was more important to Hongjoong than anything else in this world.

Mingi had been there for him when both of Hongjoong's grandparents, who had raised him, passed away a couple of years back.

On the other hand, the older was always there for Mingi whenever he came looking for help after his drunk of a brother beat him up, with no reason at all, always claiming that the younger was a disgrace after their parents died in an accident while they were picking him up from high school.

That's why he never put much thought into anything Mingi said to him. Not when the younger shamelessly flirted with him in front of everyone. Neither when he started into his eyes like they were the brightest stars in the universe.

Mingi was getting tired of the other not catching his advances, he knew he had to do something sooner or later for the older to be aware of his feelings.

He left hints here and there, always praising Hongjoong. Complimenting him, hugging him and supporting him in everything his best friend did.

But that was a part of being someone's friend.

He couldn't contain his love and admiration for Hongjoong anymore. How passionate he was about everything he did is what made him fall in love with him. How he took care of him when he most needed.

The older was precious to him, he was his rock. The only one besides the Seongsang duo that stayed by his side during his darkest times. He couldn't imagine a life where the boy with white hair wasn't around. He didn't want to.

Thinking Hongjoong had already fallen asleep, he buried his face in the back of the other's neck and inhaled before whispering.

"I love you Joongie" he exhaled "I love you with all my heart"

Little did he know the other was anything but asleep.


Karma is a bitch.

I finished writing this like 40 minutes ago and decided to leave it at that. Meanwhile I told my friend that it would have an open ending and she got whinny so I started laughing and when I published it I realized I hadn't saved the last changes I did so I had to write half of it again. FML!

There might be a part two bc my friend will kill me if there isn't. She doesn't deserve it tho. Yes, this is abuse of power and idc.

Hope you enjoy and you can send me requests!

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