Jongwoo •

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Warning: Smut ahead.

Something everyone was aware of was Jongho's rejection towards public displays of affection.

He loved his hyungs, but he didn't enjoy being hugged or kissed like the others did.

The boldest thing he ever does is put his arm around someone's shoulder in a bro way.

But he had a weakness.

There was only one person he felt comfortable enough to have contact with.

You'd be able to notice on interviews, fan signs and vlives. That he only ever shows that kind of affection towards Wooyoung.

He saw something different in his youngest hyung.

Jongho didn't know what it was that draws him closer to the other.

All the other members took notice of this, but decided to keep their speculations to themselves as they didn't want to make their maknae uncomfortable.

In Wooyoung's case, he felt honored to be the only one receiving such tenderness from the younger.

He took advantage of it. Always hugging Jongho, and being his normal cute self around him, but stronger.

Wooyoung was sure of his feelings for the maknae. He had liked him for a long time, but knew how Jongho was about those things.

Besides being bad at showing affection, Jongho also didn't know how to talk about his feelings.

Always bottling up every emotion. And never showing the cute side only Wooyoung got to see in very rare occasions.

One night only the two of them were driving to the nearest restaurant to buy some take out for everyone.

After they bought the food and returned to the car, it started to heavily rain.

"You should slow down a bit, Ho" the older worriedly said.

"You're right, I can barely see anything because of the rain"

The drive to their house was a good 50 minutes away, they could have gone to a nearer place, but Yeosang wanted chicken from that specific restaurant.

They drove in silence for a few minutes until the car began to make funny noises.

"What's going on?" Wooyoung looked at the other.

"I don't know"

The car lights were flickering and it seemed like it was about to break down.

A few seconds passed and the vehicle finally stopped.

"Great" the maknae angrily exclaimed before going out in the rain.

"Jongho, come back here! You're gonna get sick" the older screamed.

Coming to the conclusion that it had ran out of battery, Jongho came back inside the warmth of the car.

He was soaking wet at this point.

"Take off your jacket, you're gonna freeze!" the lilac haired boy told him.

The younger did as told and undressed until he had only his pants and t-shirt on.

He also took his shoes off as they were completely wet.

As there was no battery, they couldn't turn on the heat. And it was starting to get really cold inside too.

Wooyoung tried to call their friends but he had no signal. They were stuck in an empty road until the storm passed.

"I have no signal, we'll have to wait"

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