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"Looks like the rain is not stopping any time soon" San informed from the window.

"Well, then you won't have other choice but to stay here" Wooyoung smiled from the couch.

The older rolled his eyes at his best friend.

"What about Yeosang?" he asked after sitting on the couch next to the smaller boy. "Is he staying at Hongjoong's?"

"Yep, he just texted me."


"What do you want to do, Sannie?"

"Whatever you want to, baby." the taller replied with a small smile that showed his beautiful dimples.

Wooyoung blushed at the pet name.

"Oh! I know what we can do!" he screamed after thinking for a bit. He hurried to his bedroom and grabbed every fluffy blanket and cushions he could find. He also took a giant turtle plushie he had so San could hug it.

He returned to the living room with everything in his arms and dropped it on top of the other boy, burying him in all the warm blankets.

Wooyoung only laughed when his friend's head peaked from below the things he had on top.

"This is an attack. I've been attacked."

"Let's build a fort!!!" the younger screamed again ignoring the pout in San's face.

The older only smiled adoringly at Wooyoung, helping him right away to position all the cushions and blankets in a comfortable looking nest.

Wooyoung told San to pick a movie while he went to the kitchen to make some popcorn.

"Woo, do you have any pajamas I can borrow?" he asked from the living room.

"Yeah, they're in the top drawer of my wardrobe" the boy shouted back.

San choose the movie and left it downloading before making his way towards Wooyoung's room.

The younger's bedroom was full of color. A big bed full of plushies San adored to hug when he stayed over.

The walls covered in posters of his favorite Kpop groups and Kdramas.

But what San loved the most was the wall full of frames with pictures of Wooyoung and his friends and family. The older would find himself staring at the pictures every time he came to the house. Enjoying the collection of special memories Wooyoung cherished so much.

His favorite picture out of all of them was one of both Wooyoung and San himself. It had been taken a few months ago at Hongjoong's birthday party. The whole group had decided to go to a karaoke to celebrate their friend's birthday.

And while the duo was singing, Seonghwa saw the perfect opportunity to snap a quick picture of the cute boys. At that moment none of them realized they were being photographed. San didn't even know of the existence of said picture until he came to Wooyoung's house the next day and saw it hanging on the wall.

San kinda hated the way he looked. Not because he looked ugly or anything, but because anyone could be able to notice the look of total love he had on his face while he hugged the other.

 Not because he looked ugly or anything, but because anyone could be able to notice the look of total love he had on his face while he hugged the other

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Wooyoung was perfect in San's eyes. There was no one in this world he loved more than the younger. And lately he had been finding himself unable to control his words and gestures with the other. San knew Wooyoung felt the same, even a blind man could see the love they had for each other. But San was waiting for the perfect moment to confess. Because once he did, it would be the most important moment of his life, and he wanted it to be special.

He snapped of his daydream and hurried to the wardrobe to grab a pair of black pajama trousers and one of Wooyoung's giant hoodies. After quickly changing, he retuned to the living room where the younger was already comfortably buried beneath the blankets.

He had put on his golden rounded glasses which made him look even cuter if possible.

San sat next to the boy and covered himself while also grabbing the plushie and putting it on top of his legs.

"Okay, Wooyoungie. I'm ready." he looked at the other with a content smile.

The boy set play to the movie and they began to watch it on a comfortable silence.

After half an hour passed, San couldn't stop tossing around.

"What's wrong, Sannie?" the smaller asked not taking his eyes from the screen.

"I need to hug something." he said.

"That's why I brought the turtle, so you can hug it."

"No" San responded with a small pout.

Before Wooyoung could say anything San had moved impossibly closer to him and easily grabbed the younger by the waist and made him lay down against his chest.

"Now I'm confy." the older let out a content sigh.

"You're a baby." Wooyoung laughed while he rested his head on the crook of San's neck making the other shiver at their close proximity.

They watched the movie for another good 45 minutes before San grabbed one of the other boy's hands and started to play with his fingers.

None of them was paying attention to the movie anymore, being to entranced by the other's touch and warmth.

"Woo?" San asked thinking the other might have had fallen asleep.

"What, Sannie?" he answered in a small sleepy voice.

God, San loved him.

"I wanted to tell you something."

The younger turned his head so he could look at the taller.

"Okay, what's up?" he smiled adoringly at him.

"I love you, Woo." San hoped the other understood the way in which he was saying that. Not a friend type of love, he wanted Wooyoung to know that he was his one and only. He wanted to make sure the other knew he was everything to him, everything he loved and cared for before meeting him couldn't even compare to what San felt for him.

And Wooyoung understood, because he felt the same.

"I know. And I love you too, Sannie." his smile was blinding, San couldn't believe he was able to be in the presence of such beauty.

They both knew the other was feeling the exact same way.

Wooyoung softly caressed San's cheeks, running his eyes over every handsome feature the older possessed.

They couldn't tear their gaze apart from each other's eyes. Their breaths becoming one thanks to the closeness of their faces.

San gently grabbed Wooyoung by the back of his neck, finally making their lips touch in a kiss full of love.

Wooyoung turned so he was practically on top of the boy's chest, letting his hands hold the back of his head while his fingers caressed the taller's soft hair.

San softly pulled away after a few minutes, both of them breathless from their first amazing kiss together.

"You're gonna be my boyfriend now." Wooyoung told him.

San could only laugh at his boldness.

"Of course, baby. And I'm never letting you go."


Okay, I suck I know, I haven't updated since March 14 I think. Not because I was busy doing something, but because I keep procrastinating hehet.

I hope everyone is safe and healthy right now, and please take care.

I'll try to make my next update sooner than this.

Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY HWA! 😭❤ I can't believe he's already 22 😢.



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