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The sound of his best friends alarm woke him up.

Not totally aware of his surroundings, Hongjoong turned around from the position he was in to turn off the annoying device.

He immediately went back into the warm embrace of the boy he was laying next to in his bed.

Today the 8 members had the day off. And Hongjoong knew this was how both him and his roommate were going to spend the cold day like.

It has been they're normal routine on their off days for a while. Up until last month, the leader would spend the free time he had locked away in the studio working nonstop, without even coming home to sleep. He still does this when he's not free, but one day Seonghwa had had enough, and the older forced the tiny dude to at least spend their day off at home.

So, ever since that day Hongjoong and Seonghwa would lay in bed together until lunch time, cuddling and enjoying the warmth the other's body provided.

The night before when Hongjoong finished his work for the week, he returned to the dorm at 1am, which was early for him, and when he made it to his room he found Seonghwa already asleep on his bed, waiting for the younger.

None of them were able to explain exactly how they began to sleep on the same bed, it just happened and now it was something neither of them could live without.

It was pretty obvious to Hongjoong that his hyung had feelings for him. The older spent months sulking around and begging for him to come home early claiming he couldn't deal with the rest of the members on his own, when it was pretty obvious he actually wanted the blonde to come home because he missed him.

Seonghwa has always taken care of everyone in the group, but it was clear as day that his way of caring about the rapper was different.

And it made Hongjoong's heart race on an unexplainable way. He wasn't sure if the older knew he reciprocated the feelings, but he was content with how they were either way.

After a few minutes, the raven haired boy started to wake up. Tightening his arms around the smaller frame of the younger, burying his face in the boys neck and nuzzling his nose on the spot he knew made Hongjoong weak.

Nothing more than hugs and soft kisses on the cheek and forehead had happen between them, but they knew each other like the back of their hands.

"Good morning, Joongie." the singer's raspy morning voice resonated against the other's neck, causing goosebumps to spread all over his body.

"Morning, Hwa." he said after composing himself. "Did you sleep well?"

An affirmative sound left Seonghwa's throat while he moved to look into Hongjoong's beautiful eyes.

"What time did you get home yesterday?"

"1 am."

Seonghwa widened his eyes in mock surprise.

"Wow! Amazing! That's early." he sarcastically said. (a/n: bet u can hear him sksjsksk)

"Shut up.." he shoved him lightly which only made the other hug him tighter against his chest.

"It's okay, tiny. At least you're here and you rested."

"Ugh! Stop calling me that you rotten cucumber." Hongjoong whined.

"Wow that one is new" the older laughed.

They both kept joking and laughing with each other not planning on getting up for at least three more hours. Just enjoying the time they were given alone. Knowing it was their favorite way to spend the days off.

"You know..." Seonghwa stopped talking all of a sudden, staring intensely into Hongjoong's eyes.

"Yeah?" the boy felt it coming, his heart was beating faster than normal.

"Everytime we're laying on my pillow, it can't get me tired. All the times we've shared our fragile truths, and I still hope that door is open. Our time, you and me." the singer took a deep breath, not moving his gaze from the boy in his arms. "Sometimes my forever starts falling down, wondering if you actually want me now, like I want you. I often ask myself, how could I know, that one day I'd wake up feeling more."

Hongjoong felt tears falling down his eyes at the beautiful words leaving his love's mouth.

"I'm wondering are you only my best friend, because it's like a river is rushing through my mind, so I want to ask you if this is all just in my head. My heart keeps pounding every night. And would it be alright if I pulled you closer?"

"Hwa..." Hongjoong couldn't stop crying because of the words that were said to him.

"I love you so much, Hongjoong." he softly held the crying boy's face between his palms. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting to tell you all this, all that I feel and all the amazing things I see in you. All the emotions running through my chest everytime I'm near you, or everytime I think about you. You make me feel so alive and happy that I don't know if I'm doing a good job at making you feel the same. But I hope you at least experience an ounce of this feeling because it's the best thing that ever happened to me. You are the best thing to ever happen to me."

The younger was a sobbing mess by now. All he could do was grab Seonghwa by the back of his head and crash his wet lips against his. Trying to convey all he wanted to say into that first kiss.

The singer held him as tight as possible, never wanting to let go, feeling like Hongjoong would fade away and become a fantasy if he was away from him.

"I love you." the rapper let out between kisses. "So, so much, Hwa. I can't even begin to explain everything I want to say. These days, I've been thinking, that I'm doing pretty well and the proof is you. I have a lot to say, I've thought about this every night. When I thought of you, I felt sorry a lot. And what I want to say is, Thank you. Thank you for being on my side, for walking with me. For being able to lean on each other in a tough world. Even if there's a storm, if it's raining and blowing, you and me. It'll always be us."

Now it was Seonghwa's turn to cry, this moment was everything he had ever dreamed of.

"When we're not saying anything, and we're here asleep like a log and then I wake up to your humming. I knew it wasn't like it used to, but what was the hurry to pull out my heart out there? When I open my eyes and look around me, I feel you're here. So let's keep our feet together and walk next to each other. Because it'll always be us."


I really like ending the shots like that lmao.

1. Sorry for taking so long to update, but I always tell myself when I do something that if I don't do it with passion then I rather not do it because it won't have a good result for me. So, more than a month has passed but I hope you're still there hehe.

2. I hope you realized the songs that the confessions are based on (Sweet Night by V. and Thank U by Ateez).

3. Seongjoong is my main ship and I can't believe it took me this long to write one about them.

4. I hope you like this one and you better be taking good care and staying safe.

It'll probably take me another month to write again so I'll read you in the comments.

-Ro. ♡

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