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"You know I only want you right? That he doesn't mean anything to me?" San kissed Seonghwa's neck while they lay naked in the older's bed.

"I know, you keep saying that. And I keep asking you, if he doesn't mean anything and I'm the one that you love, then why do you always come back running every time he calls you?" Hwa asked looking at the guy who was laying in his bare chest.

"I already told you" he sat straddling his lap "He's a little bit unstable and can't handle rejection really well, so I have to do it slowly"

Seonghwa grabbed him by his hips and softly pushed their members together, making the younger moan.

"Okay, it better not take long for you to leave him because I don't like sharing"

San opened the door to his apartment and was welcomed with the smell of cookies.

"Baby, is that you?" a sweet voice asked from the kitchen.

"Yes, I'm home early" San greeted Wooyoung with a small peck on the lips, non of them smelling the perfume that lingered in both of their skins.

"I'm gonna take a shower" the older was making his way up the stairs.

"Okay" the lilac haired boy watched him leave for the second floor as he scurried to grab San's phone from the counter.

He rolled his eyes. His boyfriend was quite stupid, leaving his phone unlocked as if he wanted him to find everything he was hiding.

He quickly sent a message from his phone, and set San's on the counter again. 

The older was making his way down the stairs after his shower when he saw Wooyoung looking at his phone with tears in his eyes.

"What is this? Who is "baby" and why is he sending you nudes? Saying that he misses you already?" the younger cried.

"Woo, it's... not what it seems. I can explain"

"Not what it seems?! Are you sure? 'Cause it seems to me that you are cheating on me!" the shorter sobbed. He was getting really good at this.

"W-what can I say for you to understand?" San was really getting caught, after all this months.

"You can't say shit, you fucker! I fucking hate you. Leave my house right now!" Wooyoung screamed at his now ex boyfriend's face.

"I'm not fucking leaving! This is as much my house as it is yours! And can you stop being a whinny bitch? I can't stand your fucking voice!" the cheater replied.

"Me?! A whinny bitch?! You motherfucker, all you've done in these two miserable years we spent together was complain" the younger stood right in front of San's face. "I can't believe I put up with your miserable excuse of a personality for two whole fucking years! Nothing is ever enough for you, that's why you had to go and ruin our relationship by sleeping with some slut!"

"H-he's not a slut" the black haired whispered.

"Oh, please don't tell me you fell in love with this guy. For his sake don't fall in love with him. All you'll do is break his heart and then you won't give a damn about him. You are a pro at that".

A long silence followed after that. Non of them looking at each others faces.

After a few more minutes passed San made his way to their shared bedroom and started to pack his stuff. He didn't know where he was going to go. But he was slowly starting to feel ashamed of himself.

After loading his things in his car he tried several times to call Seonghwa, but the older wasn't picking up.

He couldn't stop crying. He knew he didn't deserve to feel bad about himself, as he was the one that ruined the relationship. He also knew a long time has passed since him and Wooyoung last felt love for one another, but that wasn't good of an excuse for him to cheat. 

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