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A/N: The song has nothing to do with the story but it's so beautiful I just felt like sharing it with you.

The whole group decided to go and spend their day off at the beach.

Everyone was super excited as they hadn't been there for a while.
Seonghwa was taking care of the food and drinks with Yunho and Mingi, meanwhile San and Jongho where loading the car along with Yeosang.
Hongjoong was making sure everything was ready and that they weren't forgetting anything. He was going a little insane.

Wooyoung was the only one who wasn't excited about going to the beach.
Every time he went there something happened.
One time when he was four years old, he nearly drowned because he didn't know how to swim and his parents didn't see him run towards the sea.

The second time something happened to him in that place, was when he was sixteen years old and he was taking his dog for a walk.
Suddenly a storm came and his dog ran off and he never found him again.
Not to mention he was freezing from the rain and catched a cold the next day.

And lastly, a few months ago, he went again with his cousins that came from Ilsan-gu to spend a few days with him.
On their last day there, they decided to go and have a picnic at the beach. They played games, ate delicious food and had a great time until dawn.
If you leave out the part where his oldest cousin decided to throw him into the water without knowing he still couldn't swim, peachy.

After nearly drowning again, he swore to never get into the water again.

But now he was nervous, because his friends wanted to go there. And he felt ashamed of telling anyone that he couldn't swim.

"Wooyoung, are your ready? Everyone is already in the car" San rushed into his bedroom. "Hongjoong is ready to kill you if you don't hurry up"

"Yeah, I'm ready." he said in a small voice.

He just prayed nothing would happen.

Two hours had passed without any inconveniences.

Everyone was having fun, and even Wooyoung started to relax after a while.

He was currently sharing some fruits with Yeosang while they watched the others play volleyball.

"How's everything with San?" the older asked with a playful tone.

"You're so annoying. We're okay. I mean, he talked to me today so I guess he's not ignoring me" the lilac haired boy replied.

"Remind me again why you two shit heads aren't talking" the taller said not understanding his best friend.

"I've already told you several times" he said exasperated "He told me he loves me and I just stared at him like a fucking idiot with brain damage and couldn't answer him. So after fifteen minutes of me not saying anything he just left and has been ignoring me ever since"

"With good reason, you're quite stupid Woo" Yeosang rolled his eyes.

"I'm aware I'm stupid and a coward, thank you" the younger lay down with one arm over his eyes.

"You just have to talk to him. Tell him how you feel, I know you love him too. So you're just hurting the both of you without reason"

"But what if he realizes he doesn't really want to be with me. He deserves so much more than someone who's always doubting himself" Woo said.

"Then he's an idiot but whether he wants to be with you is up to him sweetie." Yeosang caressed the other's hair.

They just stayed there enjoying the rest of the afternoon.

When the sun was almost dawn, everyone decided to go play in the water for a bit before leaving.
Wooyoung instantly started to get nervous, but joined the others either way. He would just stick to someone's side in case he needed help.

They were goofing around when a big wave started to come their way.
Wooyoung automatically got scared and tried to make it to the shore.
Not even a second after he felt someone grabbing him by the waist and he was pulled against a hard chest.
He held his breath just in time for the impact of the wave.

After coming back to the surface he realized it was San who was holding him.

"Are you okay?" the older asked not letting him go.

"Y-yeah, thanks Sannie" he couldn't breathe, not for the water, but because of the closeness of their bodies.

"Please turn around Woo" San breathed in his ear.

He did as told. The other still held his waist as tight as possible.

"Please talk to me baby. Say that you don't love me, that you don't want to be with me. That we should stay just as friends. But you need to talk to me" they couldn't turn his eyes away from each other while San was saying those words.

"I'm sorry Sannie. I... didn't know what to say, you caught me by surprise. I had to process it. I now that I love you and that I want to be with you, but what if you get tired of me. Of my flaws, my whinnying. You're too good for me. If something went wrong it would destroy me" Wooyoung ranted.

"Say that again"

"What?" the younger was confused. He didn't even realize the words that just left his lips.

"Say that again. That you love me, that you want us to be together. But please never repeat the other part. I would never get tired of you. You're all I need, I couldn't ask for more. And your "flaws" are what make you you. What makes you perfect in every sense of the word. What made me fall in love with you."

"I, I really want to be with you" said Wooyoung.

The older had the biggest smile in his face, showing the dimples the other loved so much.

"I love you Woo. Let's be together forever"

"Of course"

They shared a soft kiss with the setting sun shining on their skin and the screams of joy and approval from their friends.


Hope you enjoy! WooSanHwa One Shot coming next.

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