Chapter 10

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Blurgh! Blegh! Ugh!!!

I. Hate. Throwing. UP!!

I haven't had a break since... whenever... a good few weeks... not to mention I've been unable to eat what I want like bacon and eggs without being sick, hell I can't even smell it without being sick, let alone eat it and all food I can eat I don't wanna eat because it just smells weird and I swear it's gone bad but everyone is like 'No Avi, you're just a bit off that's all' but I swear to you it smells weird. I called my doctor and he said that I should head to the clinic to get a scan to find out what was wrong.

I pulled up outside the clinic and walked in.

"Hello... Do have a scheduled appointment or are you here to book one?"

"Uhh... Scheduled, I'm here to see Dr Kady? Does she have me down?"

The lady typed her keyboard.

"Oh, yeah. Kaplan. Yeah, just head straight in."

"Thank you."

I walked down the hall to her office, knocking of course before entering.


I pushed the door open. She turned in her swivel chair and smiled at me.

"Hey, Avi. How have you been? Last time I saw you, you weren't doing the best..."

"That's all sorted. I'm good now..."

"Well, what about now? You said you've been sick?"

"Yeah, I've been throwing up every morning for the past few weeks."

"Do you have any idea of what's causing it?"

"Well... I tried to eat a fried egg but I threw it up... Bacon too... anything fried, onions, garlic. My boyfriend cleaned the bathroom with bleach and I walked in and it felt like a whiff of fresh air to me. All raw meats, grocery stores... His cologne even... I normally love it but i hugged him this morning before I left to come here and ran to throw up. That's why I was late... sorry by the way..."

"It's ok. Well, I have a certain diagnosis but I don't wanna jump to conclusions. I can do an ultrasound right now for you if you want one?"

"Yeah, please..."

She set up the ultrasound and dimmed the lights, she picked up the gel and looked to me.

"Lay down, please. Pull your shirt up."

I did, she squeezed the tube and the gel fell right onto me, causing me to flinch.

"i forgot how cold it was."

We both laughed as she moved the wand around my stomach she stopped after ten seconds, staring at the screen.

"what is it?"

She looked at me, poker-faced, I grew even more curious.

"i knew it..."


The brunettes whole world rocked. He didn't know what to do... How was he supposed to tell them this? Oh, lord was he stressed. They were going on tour again on Monday... and it was Saturday... He went to the store to pick something up before heading to the clothing store to get himself some new clothes, yknow... take his mind off of things and grabbing a bag to put them in. Upon reaching home, Kevin stopped him.

"Hey, baby. What's with the bag?"

"Uhhh... nothing. I need the toilet."

He ran to the bathroom and slammed the door, sliding his back down it. It was the one place he could do this without Kevin seeing. He took the prescription and waited for it to kick in. Dr Kady was right. It's doing exactly what she said it would do if her suspicions were right. Now, his stress levels had elevated dangerously high.

"Avi? You ok?"


"Great. I'm packing for tour, you want my help?"


Avi his the prescription in his pocket and went to pack with Kevin. This was going to be... something...



It was officially tour time, we were all gathered on the tour bus minding our business and I was sat in the back. I had been questioned by the whole band apart from Kevin and everyone else on the tour bus after I ran to the bathroom twice after smelling eggs and Scott's cologne right after initiating a cuddle session with him. I looked out at all of them.

"What do you think Esther?"

Kirstie was questioning everyone, by everyone I mean Esther, Scott, Mitch and Kevin in the lounge.

"I dunno. I asked to schedule an appointment with Dr Kady but she just laughed and said Avi will tell me what's wrong and cut the call!"


He only shrugged and walked to the bathroom, now's the time. I grabbed the bag and walked in through the door. All heads turned to me.

"Avi! What's wrong with you, are you ok?"

"I'm fine."

"This morning said otherwise, Big Daddy."

"Av, what's up. You ran after smelling eggs and then straight after, came to cuddle me and then you got up and ran again after smelling my cologne. What's going on?"

I took a deep breath, time to put my acting to the test.

"I had an appointment with Dr Kady and told her everything and she gave me an ultrasound and..."

I began fake crying. Damn I'm good. I reached over to get the ultrasound.


"i have a... growing and developing tumour in my stomach but... it's o-ok because..."

I held up the picture and put it back in the bag and took out the two little vest.

"i have prescriptions she told me to get so i just wanted to know..."

By this time, they were all crying. Time for the big one. I held up the baby vests

"Which is more effective for the tumour when it----"

I didn't finish because a pillow hit me in the face.


Uh oh... I made Esther mad... I smiled at her but it wasn't reciprocated.

"Come here!"

I ran away, all of them chasing me, bag in my hand, vests in the other.


She wasn't mad... just yelling... I hope. Soon enough, they had the whole bus chasing me and I was almost cornered until I spotted Kevin.

"Kevvy! Help!"

I literally pounced into his arms and thank the lords that he caught me.

"What's happening."

"He lied to us!"

"Making us think he had a growing tumour in him."

"Shame on you!"

I giggled Kevin was confused.



I handed him the bag, sliding down and out of his arms, he looked in the bag pulling out the 'Best Dad Ever' card. He opened it and the positive test fell out, he picked it up and his eyes widened. He looked up at me.


"mhmm... it's really there."

He picked me up and I soon felt myself being spun around. He stopped and buried his face in my shoulder.

"you... you're really?"


Another few seconds of silence passed before I heard him speak.

"I'm gonna be a father..."

[discontinued] I'm Listening... (Book 4 of the Can't Say series.)Where stories live. Discover now