Chapter 39

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Today was the day!

The Billboard Awards!

Kevin was getting ready to leave, Quincey on the bed on his back kicking his legs around and making baby noises, with the addition of his ripping his socks off.

"Quince, please."

Kevin was only screamed at in return. The toilet flushed and Avi walked out the bathroom and into the bedroom, chuckling slightly only to grip his side in pain.

"Not better?"

"Worse kinda... Sickness isn't letting up..."

"Just... push through today. We'll see how you feel."

"I dunno, kevvy. I feel like everyone I throw up the pain gets far worse."

The room was still, Kevin huffed.

"You'll be fine, alright?"

Avi nodded. Silently agreeing.

A loud squeal was heard, Quincey gaining the attention of both his parents. Kevin running over to pick him up and hoist him onto his waist.

"Ya just can't wait can ya? No, you can't."

He put on a voice to speak with the baby, giggling in his arms. Avi was finishing up with his hair before his phone rang.


"Avi, we're outside, please open the door, Kirstie and Mitch are complaining in my ears."


Avi could hear the duo from outside. He ventured down the stairs and opened the door. Scott, Esther  Kirstie and Mitch were standing there. All smiles as Avi let them in and lead them to the couch. Kevin running down with Quincey in his arms passing him to Esther.

"Hold him for us while we finish up?"

"Of course! Aunty Esther loves spending time with her nephew huh baby?"

She imitated throwing him into the air, eliciting loud squeals of excitement from him as the last two ran back up the stairs to finish up.

It was alright at first... then Quincey began to whimper.

"Oh no, baby boy, they'll be back, they just went to get changed that's all."

Not enough to stop him crying... though they weren't loud, they were there. Small, pained cries for his parents.

"Awwww, Quince..."

"Shhshhhh. You're ok."

He was ok when his parents came back down, dressed and ready for the awards ceremony.

"Let's go!"

Avi took his child from his sister, thanking her for putting up with the fuss, Kevin holding the baby bag, as they all walked to the garage, an 8 seater vehicle waiting for them.

Whilst they piled in, Avi was attempting to strap the child into the car seat.

"Need help?"

"NO! I got it."

He did need help from Esther. He huffed as he dropped onto his seat in the car, defeated for some reason.

"You ok, Avi?"

"I'm stressed and nervous. I don't like the notion of Quincey being in a room full of cameras, press and celebrities especially with everything going on and the fact that he cries when either Kevin or I arent with him will only draw attention to us and--"

[discontinued] I'm Listening... (Book 4 of the Can't Say series.)Where stories live. Discover now