Chapter 33

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Kevin soon alerted their doctor of this and he offered Avi an epidural, which he gladly took and had fallen asleep until another contraction had come to rUDELY awaken him. He was currently being told how far he was.

"Almost time, Avi. Eight centimetres."

Avi sharply turned his head in Kevin's direction.

"And Scott still isn't here."

Mitch was glad someone else was sharing his concern for his fiancée.

"Yeah, where is he?"

"How would I know? Hmm?"

"geez guys..."

Mitch then decided the best option for him was to just shut up because he wasn't getting any respect. Avi was just about ready to get this baby out of him as soon as another contraction hit. But then something else hit him. What was gonna happen during the c-section? Would he even make it out, alive? Would their baby make it out, alive? Would either of them make it out alive?! What if they both died and left Kevin behind? What if the baby dies and Kevin hates him and the band kick him and his family are ashamed of him and hate him and everyone blames him for the baby dying and--

"Avi, snap out of it. Come on you're about to have a baby you can't be having an anxiety attack now, love."

Kevin was shaking Avi out his trance before the bearded man broke down into tears, his mother sitting next to him as he cried into her shoulder. Mike made his way to the door.

"I think we should all wait outside."

They all nodded and murmured in agreement as they made an exit, leaving Avi, Shelly and Kevin. Shelly trying to calm her hysterical child.

"sweetheart, what happened?"

"w-what i-i-i--"

"shhhhh, calm..."

"... ...what if... the baby dies a-and... and everyone blames mE for it?"

"oh, honey... anything that happens is not your fault. you've done all you can do, now it's just up to fate to decide what happens."

Avi sat and thought for a moment. He had managed to get this far with his boy. He couldn't think like this now! There was just one last stretch to go! Mothers really do know best, Avi felt tons better, now smiling up at his mother.

"thanks, momma. i actually do feel better-- oOOOOOOoooohhhh AaaaAAAAAaaahhhh!!!!"

"Another one?! You just had one-- oh my god..."

Avi dropped back onto the bed as doctors and nurses came running in, one checking how far he was and, umm...

"Ten centimetres, Avi! It's time!"

"Where's ScOOOOOOOOT!!!"

Another contraction hit him and it was even stronger than before. They began rushing around, Shelly taking Kevin my the arm to talk to him.

"You, need to be there for him right now. He needs you. Do not let me down."

"Yes, Ma'am."

Shelly nodded, leaving the room, leaving her darling son with Kevin, by this time, he had ran over to his right side of the bed to grab a hold of his lover's sweaty palms.

"hey, you'll be alright, ok?"


Avi was ready for surgery and Kevin was walking around like a blue snowman, it was really funny, kept Avi busy while they cut him open.

[discontinued] I'm Listening... (Book 4 of the Can't Say series.)Where stories live. Discover now