Chapter 34

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"dad why are you here?"

Michael took another step into the room, closing the door behind him.

"I came to see my family. Too much to ask?"

"You're not family, Michael, not after what you did to Avi."

"Please, I barely touched him."

"You sent him flying across the room into the wall! You killed his child! That kid would've been seventeen right now!"

Everyone in the room was visibly uncomfortable, Kevin seemed like he could explode, Avi had put the breathing mask back on his face and cradled Quincey close to his chest. Michael taking a step towards the bed to get a closer look. Avi pushing himself further into the pillow to try and put space between him and his father. Kevin giving him a warning look.

"Aww. Isn't he cute."

"please leave."

"Why? You don't want your old man here? I can't even get a hug?"

He advanced to Avi with open arms, but Avi shrunk away from him not wanting him here and feeling threatened by his presence, Kevin stepping in to pull him away.

"Hey- What are you doing?"

"I should ask you that."

"I just wanted to say hi. Is that too much to ask?"

"For you yes it is. I'm telling you now, leave the hospital and don't you dare try to contact Avi or anyone. You don't know me."

"Threatening me, kid?"

"I'm warning you. Leave."

"That's my grandson--"

"That's my son! And you're threatening my boyfriend with your presence. I'll tell you one last time. Get. Out."

Michael pushed Kevin off him and tried to walk to Avi again.

"What are you gonna do? Throw me out--"

Should NOT have said that! Kevin grabbed him by the collar (this pair is obsessed with collars) and shoved him against the wall, causing a few of the other in the room to gasp.

"Like Hell I am."

Kevin didn't care about what happened, he threw the man out the room, which from where they were, was through the glass window just in front of them. Everyone screamed, Quincey cried and Michael rolled on top of the shattered glass on the floor, startling everyone in the hallway. Doctors and Nurses came running through the door, Kevin moved to sit next to Avi, who visibly calmed down after his father's shock exit and was now trying to calm the hysterical boy in his arms.

"Maybe he's hungry too?"

"yeah, give me the bottle?"

Mike had handed Kevin the bottle who passed it to Avi as he began to feed the baby, who latched onto the bottle in an instant. Kevin giving the head doctor the rundown as well as $100 dollars to fix the broken window, which he took thankfully, grateful for Kevin's kindness.

"We'll keep him out."

Security came and hoisted Mr Kaplan away from them.

"I'll be back!"

Avi paled at his statement, though Kevin gave him a reassuring smile, Scott looked down at Mitch.

"Have you filed for that law-suit yet?"

"No? Why?"

"When you do, put in a restraining order too, please dear."

"Oh, of course. I love stirring up legal drama..."

[discontinued] I'm Listening... (Book 4 of the Can't Say series.)Where stories live. Discover now