Chapter 11

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"Wait... so you're really having a baby?"


They were all sitting on the couch in the lounge after they were given the big news by their fellow bandmate/friend/brother. The band were sitting on the couch, Avi and Kevin were cuddling in the corner of the couch while the other three were sitting, Scott's arm wrapped protectively around Mitch, and Esther was resting on the opposite couch.

"How long?"

"Do you know when it was conceived?"

"A few weeks. The day of the court case."

He looked at Kevin hoping he remembered the morning after.

"ohhh... so sorry, love."

"it's ok. we were both drunk so... no one to blame..."

Every time Avi smiled, Kevin swore he saw a galaxy of stars shining all at once.

"Wait... what about tour?"

"Well... I've been pregnant on tour before so we could just do the same thing we did then."

"Yeah, without the hate and shame and death and... stuff... yeah..."

"That would be nice. I'd like to keep this baby. It would be nice to start a family."

"It would, wouldn't it?"


"OOOO! I can take them shopping when they're older!"

Of course, the trio were already fantasizing about when the baby gets here.

"paint their nails, do their hair."

"OR play soccer, go on random car rides."

Avi didn't really know why... but he felt the sudden need to defend the baby.

"My child can do their nails and play soccer. I couldn't care less. No joyrides though, Hoying. Not until they're 17."

"Come on, Dragon man. Lighten up a little."

"No! Too dangerous."

Kevin sat up to pitch his thoughts in the conversation.

"Well we have to wait another nine months for the baby to get here, then wait even longer for them to be able to do anything. Six months minimum. So doing the calculations..."

"15 months minimum until you can start doing that stuff."

The expecting couple laughed as the trio whined like little kids, pouting.

"Aviiiiii! Please tell me you're at least a month..."

"I told you, the night of the little party we had was when it was conceived, Kit. I'm at least two weeks."


She flopped back down onto the couch and Esther perked up.

"Oh! I have to call Dr Kady."

She stood up to pull out her phone.

"Tell her I received the news."

She scowled at Avi on her was out causing laughter to erupt out of the long-haired brunette.

"Well... movie anyone?"

The bus came to a halt, someone began banging on the door.

"What's that?"

Genevieve came out then from the drivers quarters.

"I dunno..."

Squealing was heard.


The band looked at each other, smirks appearing on their faces.


They all chorused, giggling at their unity.

"First Stop: Chicago, Illinois!"

The bus erupted in cheers as daylight streamed through the curtain. Genevieve ran back to the wheel before the honk of the horn was heard and they began moving again. Scott turned to his fellow bandmates and fiancée.

"Wanna say hi?"


Outside, fans seemed disappointed that the bus was moving away without the band saying hi. The happiness and enthusiasm dropped and--

"OH MY GOD!!!"

They began screaming again as the curtains were pulled back and five familiar faces appeared from behind them. Avi and Kevin were in the far left window, Kirstie in the middle and Mitch and Scott in the far right, all five smiling and waving to their fans. Avi being so close to Kevin, once again, took a whiff of his cologne and boy did that do him some troubles, his face contorted as a familiar feeling crept through him and sure enough, he was racing to the bus bathroom and dropping to his knees in front of the toilet before puking his guts out in the back. He was there for a couple before getting up and moving to the front of the bus again, the fans looked through the window, concern plastering their faces. Kevin opened the window so Avi could explain to them.

"I'm fine guys! I just really don't like Kevin's cologne!"

He fake laughed hoping the fans would take it, thankfully they did and began smiling and screaming just as the bus picked up speed again and they looked to the fans as they began to leave them behind. Avi decided to stick his head out the window to say goodbye.


He got screams in response and ducked his head back in just as Kevin slammed the window behind him. Avi looked back to his bandmates, panting and grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"This show is going to be A. Ma. Zain"

The whole band burst with laughter and soon, the whole bus was roaring with laughter as they sped off into the heart of Chicago to their hotel to kickstart their first tour after 6 months.

[discontinued] I'm Listening... (Book 4 of the Can't Say series.)Where stories live. Discover now