Chapter 16

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Avi woke up beside Kevin. He checked the time on his phone. 14:56


Figured it's time I get up. I was about to get up until I stopped myself. What? I checked my phone again. Oh. Ma Gosh.

Why do I have so many damn Twitter notifications?! I opened one and waited for it to load.

Are you kidding me?

A picture of Kevin and I. From last night after we fell asleep in the bunk. I checked to see who posted It and, honestly, couldn't be madder. Fricken Esther Rose Kaplan. I shot up out of bed and walked into the kitchen where she was cooking lunch.

"Hey, Av. I got your breakfast. "

I walked up to her shoving my phone in her face. She smiled.

"Aren't you guys cute!? "

"Esther, why would you do this we're--"


Kevin seemed to have woken up to the commotion on his phone and wasn't happy about it.

"Wait you're not?!"

"No! They only know we like men and women. Not that we're dating!! "

" Mitch said you were. "

"what did he say? "

"Check. "

She slowly turned back around to what she was cooking. I didn't want to see what she had meant but it's my relationship being outed here. I unlocked my phone to--


...what did he do? I opened Twitter so fast I didn't see the comments blowing up my phone.

@mitchgrassi: talk about relationship goals 💖💖😍.


He completely outed us. I could hear the band in the other room. Turns other Scott and Kirstie were involved too.

"I was so confident you were! "

"You didn't even check it either us?!!! "

"Well if I was super confident then you were out then I really wouldn't. "

"we should've listened to esther. "

"But I could've sworn--"

"Mitch, maybe someone else is out to the public as of recently? "

It seemed to have all clicked in his head when Scott said that, he was staring at the ground in shock and his hand slowly came up to cover his mouth. He looked over at Kevin and I.

"you guys i am so fucking sorry!!!!! "

"don't be it's fine. "

"avi are you sure. i know you're not comfortable being out yet. "

"it's alright. honestly it doesn't matter, kev. just leave it. "

Avi walked out the room Kevin following just behind him.


Oh my god, I feel so bad! I mixed them up for this YouTube couple!!! I can't even remember their names they're so irrelevant!!!!!! I'm such a bad friend... A large hand resided on my back. I didn't have to turn to see it was Scott.

"Mitchie... "

"I outed them, Scott."

"Yes but you didn't mean to."

[discontinued] I'm Listening... (Book 4 of the Can't Say series.)Where stories live. Discover now