Chapter 1: Take It

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Four years later.

"What will you do if you found out he's actually cheating on you?"

Wang Ji Won suddenly thrown that question which caught her off guard. She was confident enough to know that will never happen, or at least thats what she wants to believe. After all, Minho is still on another level. The world he lives in is different from hers and there's high possibility that he might find someone who he thinks is more worthy and on the same level as him.

"Oh come on! What's with that look?" she asked soon as Chaewon's face is painted with doubts.

"I don't know. What if that really happens?" Chaewon starts to be negative again, thinking how possible it is that Minho could have had a change of heart. She doesn't want to be doubtful but she can't help it, given all his history with girls.

"Naaah! It's been two years— if he ever has a plan to cheat on you then he would've done so, way before, don't you think?" telling her friend on attempt to make her feel a little secured.

"But still, we don't know what will happen next. Even marriage turns to divorced sometimes." Chaewon sadly stated.


A sunny afternoon on a cozy cafe far from the busy city center of Seoul. Moon Chae Won sitting on the corner with a cup of coffee on the table. It's always been her favorite spot, beside a glass wall where she can get a good sight of what's outside.

Few minutes later a guy came in and walked to where she is. "Did you wait long?" he asked as he sat on the empty chair in front of her.

"Not really." she replied though she's been there for half an hour already, which she doesn't mind since she's fond of spending some quite time alone.

Its been a couple of minutes and it was all silent but this kind of silence with him beside her has always been comforting to her. They spent the rest of the afternoon enjoying the company of each other, til the sun sets and they decided to get something for dinner.

"What do you want to eat?" he asked.


"How about, I'll just cook something for you? Let's go to my place?" he suggested and before she could reply, he remembers something— some reason he can't bring her to his place tonight. "Wait, actually lets just go somewhere else.", taking back what he has first suggested.

"Whatever you like, Minho-ssi."

They went to his car and as she opened the front door she saw a paper bag on the seat. She took it so she could take a seat and put the paper bag on her lap. "What's this?" she asked as soon as he got inside the car. Minho took the paper bag she was holding. "Nothing" he replied and put the paper bag on the the back seat.

Minho brought her in a luxurious restaurant. It's his style but not much to hers. Chaewon always preferred it simple while Minho who grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth is used to everything extravagant.

"I'm only letting you take me here tonight because today is a special day." she made herself clear as to why she didn't argue with going to this kind of restaurant. Minho just smiled and took their orders.


Minho is sending Chaewon home after their dinner. No conversation just a slow music from his car's stereo. Chaewon held Minho's other hand that is resting in between their seats and slowly intertwined her fingers with his. Minho then remembered something. He freed his hand from hers then pulled the car over.

Chaewon is puzzled onto why he suddenly did so. "Why? Is anything wrong?" she asked with confusion painting her face. Minho unbuckled his safety belt and reached for the paper bag from earlier. "Here. Happy 2nd anniversary." as Minho handing the paper bag to her.

Chaewon takes a look at whats inside. It's obviously a bag from a jewelry shop but she doesn't have a clue what jewelry could it be. A diamond necklace, composed of rare diamonds. As expected it looks beautiful, "It's beautiful, but you know this is not my style." she was stunned but she always prefer it simple. Before she could refuse it, Minho went ahead to start the car while saying "Just take it, it's our anniversary afterall.".


Minho arrived at his apartment, went inside and— "You spent longer time together than I expected. Oppa." a lady sitting in the sofa watching tv, told him without looking at him. Minho just went straight to his room and took a shower.

"Are you spending the night over?" Minho asked as soon as he went out of his room after taking a shower and changing his clothes. He went to the kitchen to get some water to drink while the woman stood up and went to him.

"By the way, who's gift is that for?" she asked making him wonder what gift did she mean. He turned to her.

"What gift?"
"This one" as she holds out a paper bag from where it is placed.

"Ooh, So it's here all this time. You can have it." Minho told her, making her smile from the excitement thinking it'd be the diamond necklace she asked for. She opened the box and saw a simple gold neclacke with a diamond pendant.

"What is this? I clearly said I'd want to get that new one."

"Ahh, that's actually for Chaewon but I left it here so I gave her the diamond one you asked me to buy."

She gave him a glare which he didn't mind at all. "This is a trash, I'm not having it." She got furious thinking how the necklace falls on Chaewon's hands which she thinks she doesn't deserve at all. "It doesn't suit her at all."

"Are you staying for the night or what?" He asked her hoping she doesn't, knowing she'll be sulking for the rest of the night because of what he did and he has no time for her dramas.

She got so annoyed because he's not even trying to make up with what he did. Shes not expecting it though, he's always been like that. He doesn't really care about what the others feel. Inconsiderate and can be really arrogant at times. He's not the worst but he's also not the best.

"Nah, I'm too annoyed to stay.", she went to grab her bag and walked to the door before she says goodbye.

"Drive safe, I'm not really in the mood to drive you home."

"I'd never expect that. I'll text you when I get home just so you won't stay up worrying."

"Yoo Ri-ssi."

The door beeps as it closes. Kim Yoo Ri went ahead without a second thought.

"She could have just thrown this or what. What am I going to do with this necklace now.", Min Ho complains.

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