Chapter 13: Her Past and His Future

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"Who is she?"

"Kim YooRi"

"Kim YooRi," she repeated.

Minho could sense something from her face. So he asked, "Do you know her?" Chaewon just half nodded her head.

"How?" He asked with worry starting to build up on him.

"She dropped by the cafe," she sighed lowly. "There was a little incident, but now I guess it was intentional."

Chaewon has also told him she was invited by her to the famous K-Malls restaurant. He asked for details and so she told him what time she was coming over.

The night later, Chaewon and YeonJoo went to the said restaurant.

Chaewon was there for one thing, she came in hope to meet YooRi. She doesn't know what she would say to her, but she pushed that worries aside. She knew she'll somehow manage when she actually get to see her.

Chaewon suddenly froze the moment her eyes laid at the person standing few feet away. "Si Hoooppa," she managed to say in a very low voice.

Si Hoo mirrored her frozen state. "Chawon-ah," he called in disbelief.

Outside the restaurant, Minho has just arrived. He went straight to follow Chaewon after he was done with his work. He wasn't worried what Chaewon would do. He knew for sure she wouldn't cause a scene. What he was worried was what state Chaewon would be when she gets to talk to YooRi.

He searched the room and saw Yoon Jeo at the buffet area. He approached her and she jerked a bit with his sudden appearance. "Where's Chaewon?"

She turned to him and bowed a little before she answered, "She went over there." She pointed behind him.

He thanked her briefly and walked away before she could even bow at him.

From the corner of his eyes he could spot Chaewon's familiar figure. He turned his head to confirm what he saw. It wasn't clear but he knew it was Chaewon. She was with someone he doesn't know. Quickly he made his way to follow her but he unfortunately bumped to a little girl who was holding a plate of some sweets.

"I'm sorry," he said but the little girl cried as her cakes fell completely on the carpeted floor. He hissed and looked back to the exit where he saw Chaewon and that man passed through. He sighed seeing she was no longer there.

The cry of the young girl caught the other visitor's attention so he called a waiter over and immediately the waiter came to help them. "Could you please help this little girl," he asked and the waiter gladly did what he has to do.

Before heading off he bent down to level the little girl's height. "I'm sorry, I have urgent matter. Would you let ahjussi go, it would really mean a lot to me."

Thankfully the little girl was very understanding. She sniffed few times before wiping off her tears and replied, "It's okay mister, you should go."

He thanked her and sped off. He reached the outside of the restaurant but he couldn't find Chaewon anywhere. He took his phone from his pocket. Worried he would disturb some important matter, he opted to send her a message.

In the cafe located on the ground floor of the mall, there Chaewon and Si Hoo shared an awkward silence. No one knows what they were waiting for. Nothing has been spoken yet besides "how are you."

Chaewon pursed her lips gathering some courage to ask him, "How's your daughter?"

Si Hoo lifted up his gaze to look at her face. "She looks nothing like me but she got some of my traits," he beamed proudly.

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