Chapter 11: In-laws

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It took Chae Won and Ah In the whole afternoon visiting the last locations on the list.

"I can't wait to eat," Ah In exhaustedly said while hailing a cab.

Chaewon laughs softly, "Why is that you think of food all the time."

The cab pulled to the curb. Ah In opened the door for them to get in, "Aren't we the same," he says waiting for her to get in first. They can be mean to each other all they want but he's still a gentleman at the end of the day.

Chaewon walks closer ready to get inside when something caught her eyes. Across the street is undeniably Minho's car, there's not a lot of people who has the same car as his and she's even sure it's Minho's by its plate number. Her small steps stopped and her eyes are glued to the other side of the road, slowly a woman walk towards his car and to the front passenger seat. She opened the door and gets in.

"Are you not getting in?" Ah In asked but didn't get a reply, "Then I'll get in first." Chaewon still has her attention to the other side, watching as his car takes off. "Yah!" Ah In's loud voice pulled her back to her senses. She quickly apologized and gets in.

On their way, Chaewon's mind is clearly preoccupied all of a sudden. Ah In was talking but her replies were either late or wrong, so he had to ask; "Someone you know? Who was that, that it made you bothered?"

Chaewon turned to look at him not really able to catch what he asked, "Oh?"

"Who was she? The woman from across the street," he elaborated. So he did notice after all.

Thirty minutes later they arrived at their meeting place; Ji Won was the first to arrive since she's the nearest among them. "Joo Won?" Ah In asked.

"He has some paper works to do and said he'll be late," Ji Won answered.

They ordered foods first so when Joo Won arrives, the foods will be ready by then. "How did it go?" Ji Won asks.

"Tiring," Ah In simply replied.

"None of it you like?"

"One location was good but it's not accessible by car," Chaewon replies.

"I'm going to collab with Chaewon," he announced smiling; just in time for Joo Won to arrive and hear it.

"What collab?" he suddenly joins the conversation. They turned their heads to him in sync; surprisingly, he didn't come alone.

"Hi," his companion said his greeting.

"We were working overtime and thought of bringing him," Joo Won said asking his friends to move one chair so they did and he sat next to his sister.

"Take a seat," Ah In offered as he motioned to the empty seat beside Ji Won.

"You've already met him briefly last time," Joo Won adds; calling for the server's attention and mouthed for menu.

"Yes we did. If you forgot, I'm Yoon Park."

"Ah, I remember." Ji Won turns to look at him, "But I believe we haven't introduced ourselves yet." She motioned a hand in front of him as she introduces herself "Ji Won," and he gladly took her hand for a shake.

Yoon Park soon turned his attention to the Ah In and he was quick to introduce himself too, "Ah In" as he offers him a high five which Yoon Park reciprocated before turning his attention to Chaewon. "The girlfriend, if I remember it clearly."

Chaewon nods her head confirming, "Um, Chaewon. Moon Chae Won."

"Moon?" Yoon Park inquisitively looks at Joo Won.

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