Chapter 6: Talks and Laugh

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Five o'clock the next day, Chaewon woke up first and saw Ah In in the couch , mouth open and the sound of his snore echoes across the room. "If you're that tired why sleep in the couch." she sighed seeing her friend at the state.

She slowly opened the door of the guest room only to find out Minho isn't there anymore. He must've left early. She took the blanket and bring it over.

Quietly she went to Ah In, "Idiot, you didn't even put blanket on.". She covered him with the blanket she just brought out from the room.

She stared at him for a second and whispers to him, "I missed you, my friend.".

Then she prepared breakfast and pack some food in a container for Ah In to bring later.


A sudden sound made her jump a little and saw her friend fell from the sofa. She laughs at him. "You're awake now? You really know the timing. Breakfast is ready."

Ah In, in his morning face and disheveled hair stood up from the fall and stretched a bit. "What time is it?"

"It's quarter to five."

He went to the kitchen, sat on the wooden stool chair and started eating the food Chaewon prepared.

"Good Morning.", Jiwon joins them in the kitchen.

Six in the morning, they're already in the basement, parking area. "Drive safe Hong Sik.", Chaewon using Ah In's real name from time to time just show's how close they are, just like how Ah In calls her by her nickname, Bbong, when he wants to.


"Send my regards to them." She refers to his parents and siblings. She's close to his family since they live not too far from each other in Daegu.

"Umm. Are you sure you don't want to come?"

"Nah, I have to work tomorrow."

"Okay, then will go ahead."


"See you next week Chaewon.", Jiwon says.

"See you, bye."

Ah In used Chaewon's car since he doesn't have one yet. Before they drove off you could hear Ah In ask Jiwon where she wants to be dropped.

Chaewon went back inside after they exited the parking. Few minutes later Joo Won rang the intercom and Chaewon opened the door for him.

Soon as he enters, "Where's Hong Sik hyung?"

"Wow? You come here all of a sudden but you came here for Hong Sik and not me?"

"Yes I did, why? Where is he?"

"He already left. Jun Won-ah noona is kinda sad you only visit me when someone else comes here.", Chaewon did a sulking face trying to guilt-trip him.

"That's a waste, he sent me pictures of you last night and decided to come over early."

"Yah, didn't you hear me? I said I am sad."

"I heard. You talk like you visit me often.", he counters since Chaewon don't visit him much these days as well.

"Uh, heh.", she guiltily laughs. "Have you eaten?"


At the Lee's Corp. Yoo Ri came to Minho's office, she went inside without knocking. Since it's Sunday and supposedly day off, Minho didn't let his secretary know he's coming to work.

"You came later than I thought.", he says without any hint of surprise by her sudden entrance.

Her eyebrow raised, and starts to get more annoyed yet the well raised woman she is, she remained her calm. "How could you back-out few hours away from the event and informed me through text? How professional Minho-ssi."

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