Chapter 9: Engagement

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Slowly chewing her food, waiting for Minho to come as he said he'll come to her first thing in the morning. It's eight in the morning and he still hasn't come nor sent her a message. "Is he still busy?" she heaved a deep sigh.

When she's done doing the dishes she thought of what better to do. It's a weekday and she's not in the mood to come to work, maybe later? She thought of Ji Won; that's it, she could just visit her workplace.

Pressing basement on elevator buttons, she can't deny her mind is still somewhere else. "Eonni," Jisoo who's standing at her four extends an arm and wave a hand in front of her. She didn't even notice she's there.

"Oh! Hi Jisoo." She smiles.

"What are you thinking so deep about? You didn't even notice I'm here."

"It's nothing," Chaewon brushed her off and she didn't pry on her, it's early for that kind of conversation; she herself thinks it's not appropriate. Nodding, "You're off to work?" and asks.

"I'm meeting a friend now," Chaewon answers.

"It must be nice, meeting friends anytime," she sighed expressing envy.

Chaewon gave her a sweet smile, "You? It's almost nine but you're still here." Jisoo usually goes to work early so she asked.

"I had a project to finish by tomorrow and got permission to work at home," Chaewon gestures for her to go on. "I can concentrate more when I work alone and now I'm showing up at work with a finished project a day earlier," she giggles, feeling excited to present her work

* * *

Yoo Ri is ready to head out of the house, she stopped to tell the cleaning lady "Ahjumma, tell Minho if he wants his phone he can get it from me." The helping lady politely nods.

On the guest room, Minho is in deep sleep. He wasn't able to escape last night when he only intended to send Yoo Ri home then left. Yoo Ri must've planned this, she knows Minho won't be able to escape her grandfather.

Last night when Minho sent her home she insisted to for him to meet her grandparents before he'll leave. It was the first time Minho gets to meet her grandparents and didn't know it will end up this way.

Yoo Ri's grandparents warmly welcomed Minho. Maybe because they started to live a normal and stress free life that they are this warm to people, compared to some higher ranking ones. They invited him for dinner and it is rude to say no to the elder's invitation. After dinner, Minho thought he'd be able to go home already but Yoo Ri's grandfather politely asked him to stay for a while, so he did. Little did he know he'll be stuck in a Go game with him and not just that, you have to drink a glass of alcohol if you'll lose?

It wouldn't be a problem if he just wins the games, but the elder is too good at it. "I've played this all my life, no one has beaten me with it," the elder proudly says. He sure is a master of this game, admits Minho.

Minho has a low tolerance of alcohol and was knocked out after couple of rounds. He ended up spending the night over because he was unconscious.

An hour later Minho woke up with a headache; slowly he sits down from lying. And few minutes till he finally realizes what happened, he's at Yoo Ri's. He went downstairs carefully not to trigger his headache.

When he's downstairs, "You're awake? There's a hangover soup in the kitchen, I'll reheat it for you, come." The elder women ushered him to the kitchen which he respectfully complies.

"Thank you."

After easing the headache with the soup Yoo Ri's grandmother made for him. He said his goodbye to the two elders who's in the house. On his way out he realized his phone is missing when he tried to take it out from his pocket to inform Chaewon his on his way. A helper approached him and before he could ask she already told him his phone is with Yoo Ri.

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