Chapter 10: Photograph

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Yoo Ri showed the two boys her engagement ring that she bought for herself as she became impatient because Minho took too long to buy her one. "You really think our engagement won't happen just because you still haven't bought me a ring," she said leaving the two men surprised.

"I guess were both unfortunate today," Il Woo told his friend still a bit surprised of how Yoo Ri can be this bold.

"Anyway, I've already called a gathering with your whole family; that's tomorrow at five." she said as she settled on the couch of the living area.

Minho sighed; he doesn't have a word to say at all.

A quarter to five in the afternoon the next day; at Yoo Ri's mansion, Minho's parents is being welcomed warmly. Fifteen minutes has passed and Minho was again late for the family gathering, it didn't bother Yoo Ri at all. She has the most important card against him if he ever mess this up.

Not long after the helper announced his arrival. "Showing up late is slowly becoming your habit Minho," Yoo Ri's mother commented frankly. "Makes me think you're doing it on purpose," she added looking up to him who's still standing on his seat.

They soon started their dinner; Yoo Ri didn't waste time and told them about her engagement news as she flashes her hand with a ring on her finger. "Minho and I are officially engaged," she announces.

Both their families were happy for the news, they didn't ask further with the details; even without doing so they already know. Their families are aware that they never have feelings for each other and that they're only doing this for business, that's how it works with families like them. Nonetheless they congratulated the newly engaged pair.

Later after dinner, Jung Shin who's also present at the gathering approached the now loner Minho at the balcony. As someone who's never updated about family issues; surprised is an understatement of his reaction a while ago. Despite being raised prim and proper; he almost lost it a while ago and opposed. "This is not right," he said after closing the distance between him and his cousin.

Minho turned to lean on the balcony railings, "I'll somehow find a way out. Don't worry."

"If you'll do that then why not find a way out before it went this far?" he asked feeling a little remorse towards him. Accepting this marriage scheme with Yoo Ri is unacceptable knowing he's dating someone else.

Minho drinks the last bits of his wine before answering, "It's not as easy as that." He stands straight from leaning and gives Jung Shin a pat on his shoulder before marching back inside.

"How is it not easy? I even dropped Chaewon noona the moment I knew you're dating her," he said making Minho halt his steps. Looking at his cousin's back he continues, "Yes, I was interested in her the first time I saw her." He didn't say much not really in the mood of explaining.

Minho barely turns his head to look at him; "That's something that can't compare to this," he said and left.

Jung Shin knew that of course; he's just frustrated with that fact and more frustrated with people who don't do anything about it. If in the future he'd be in the same situation, he promised to stand up by the person he loves and hold her hands and win the fight.

Minho said his good bye to the elders and head out to where he parked his car at the spacious front yard of the mansion. His mother followed him from behind; "Marriage is not just about love," his mother said. He stopped without turning to his mother, "getting married to someone you love is just a bonus," she continues. "That's the kind of fate someone like us have."

* * *

"Jun Won, Hong Shik, noona is here!" Chaewon announces as she walks down the hallway to the kitchen of Joo Won's apartment.

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