Chapter 4: Connections

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Joo Won received a phone call from the police station. "Yes, I know him.", he confirms. "Thanks officer, I'll get there soon.".

Just as he hangs up, he can't stop but complain. "This kid's timing really!".

He hurries his way out of the faculty room, and bumps into a man who stands 1.82m tall, dark clean cut hair, thick brows and a mole near the tip of his nose. "Yah, where are you going?", the man, his co-teacher asks.

"I'll be back before my next class starts, don't worry."

He checks the time, "You have less than half an hour, Moon teacher.". Joo Won is already too far to respond, and all he could do is sigh.

At the police station, Joo Won asked the officer for the person he came for. The officer gestures the way for him.

"Thank you."

He could already see the back of the young man that made him go his way here. He slowly approaches him as he tries to calm himself not to give him a beating or shouts at him. Calmly he says, "Yah, Cha Eun Woo what happened here?".

"Are you the guardian?", the officer asks. "Yes sir.".

"This kid here.", as he gestures to Eun Woo, "As you can see, he bit this poor kids here. And one of the parent wants to talk to you."

Joo Won felt sour looking at the young man's face, one of them was bitten too much, while the others only had small bruises. "You did all this?"

"We did it to each other, in my defense."

The two of them were the ones having the fight while two others were just trying to separate them and accidentally got hit as well.

Soon, the mother who wanted to talk to him arrived. The young man complained how she is making this a big deal, that his old enough and she's making him feel embarrassed.

They came to settle after a good talk and after got Eun Woo out of the station.

"Why did you even get into a fight. This is not like you, Eun Woo."

"Hyung, just drop me to a pharmacy and go."

His bruises weren't much, it's not a surprise since he's a good fighter from the start.

"It's about noona, isn't it?"

Eunwoo just closed his eyes and slouches on his seat.

"Eunwoo-yah, I know how much you like my sister but you can't go around fighting just because someone makes fun of you liking someone too old for you."

"It's not that, hyung.". He opens his eyes, "I'll get down here.".

"Here?", he looks around and sees a pharmacy so he pulled over. "Are you sure you'll be okay.".

"Of course.", Eunwoo smiles adorably like nothing happened. He doesn't want to worry Joo Won or anything. "Thanks for coming hyug." He gets off and bid him goodbye.

When Joo Won's car is far enough he drops the smile from his face and sighed as he recalls what happened.


"Oy. Eun Woo, I've seen that woman. What was her name again? Chae Yoon? No, Chae Won. She looks even prettier now. Is she dating someone? If not can you hook me up?", he teasingly says.

Eunwoo didn't say anything, he doesn't really know how to respond.

"Yah, why are you not saying anything? How old is she? She looks young, but I wonder if she's still good.", he laughs.

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