Chapter 7: Lie for Love

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Ah In is leaning on a black mercedes car, clearly waiting for someone.

"Hyung?", he turned to the owner of the voice he's so familiar with.

"Dong Min-ah.", he opens his arms for Eun Woo to embrace but instead he got a sigh from him.

"Eun Woo, Cha Eun Woo."

"Eyy, I get it. Come here my handsome cousin, hug me.", he smiles happily.

Eunwoo throws his car key to him, "I won't, you already ruined the mood.". He quickly went inside the car leaving Ah In hanging.

Ah In pouts and hopped in. "Where are we going? Where do you want to go?", he asked.

"You're the one who came here, why are you asking me?"

"Yah, why are you in a bad mood?", he wonders.

"I'm not hyung." he denies.

"Who is it? Who ruined your day? A girl?", just then a girl knocked on the driver's side window, he slightly jumped from surprise. He lowers it for the girl to speak out.

"Eun Woo-ssi.", the girl with wavy dark hair and pretty features starts calmly, when she meets Ah In's eyes she immediately apologize, "Oh I'm sorry, I thought this is Eunwoo's car.".

"Ahh! Yes you're right.", he turn towards Eunwoo who's already trying to hide himself though it's impossible, "Eunwoo-ya, your friend is looking for you.".

Eunwoo sighed in disbelief, Ah In could just mouth "What?". Eunwoo rolled his eyes and went out of the car to talk to her.


"This place suits you. How did you find this place?", Il Woo asked.

She was going through the piled books, searching for something that would pique her interest. "Nothing's impossible with internet these days.". Her fingers who's running from one book to another stopped for a certain grey covered book. She took and went to a corner, and squats on the floor.

"Are you planning to stay here?", he asked. The place is small with no chairs to sit and read.


He just released an air through his nose dramatically.

"Did you know Chaewon eonni is a regular here?"


She nods her head ever so slightly, "Umm, small world right."

"Indeed," he said pressing his lips together. He turned to his left and grab a random book from the tall shelf.

He flips to the first page and started reading; not halfway through the first paragraph he commented, "I don't understand the fun in reading books honestly."


Soon as Eunwoo went back in the car, Ah In gave him a interrogating look. "Who was that?"

"Hyung, let's just go, can we?"

Ah In started the engine, with a smile he said, "I know where to go to lift up your mood."

The younger man raised an eyebrow. What is he planning now? He thought.

An hour later they arrived at their destination. Eunwoo took a nap as he's been so drained from school. Ah In wakes him up and it took a while for him to regain his consciousness.

Eunwoo rubbed his eyes and looks outside wondering where Ah In took them; when the place starts to register in him he turned his attention to the older man. "Hyung, why are we here?", he asked knowing the area so well.

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