Chapter 2: His Haven

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Few weeks later, on a Saturday. Chaewon got up earlier than she used to. Starting her day with a cup of coffee and prepared her stuffs that she packed few days ago. She's going to visit her hometown. It's her parents 27th anniversary.

She decided not to bring a car so she could relax on her way. She took a cab going to the subway and from there she took a train going to Daegu. A little over an hour later she arrived at Daegu train station and took another cab going to the restaurant where they will be celebrating their parents wedding anniversary.

It's few hours before lunch time and she clearly have plenty of time to drop by a flower shop and buy one for her parents.

Few minutes after, she arrived at the restaurant. Outside the restaurant, her brother Jun Won who goes by the name Joo Won was waiting for her as she requested to meet her outside when she arrives.

Joo Won walked towards his sister to help her with the things she brought. "Minho hyung?" he asked as he tried to take the bouquet she's holding.

"Yah! If you're going to help take the bag instead." he took the bag and as soon as Chaewon's other hand is free from the bag she's holding she gave her brother a light hit in his head. They just laugh it out.

"You go ahead.". Chaewon nodded and gave him a smile. As she went inside Joowon went to his car to put her things that isn't needed for the lunch celebration.

By the time Chaewon got into their table she greeted her parents and handed the flower to her mom as she kissed her and then gave her dad a hug. "Happy anniversary."

They had a small conversation in between their meal. "Such a waste Minho wasn't able to make it here." her mom said.

"How long has it been since we last saw him?" her dad added

"Naah, I don't even see him with noona that much to think we're both in Seoul." says her brother

Chaewon had the urge to defend her boyfriend and said "He says he's sorry and that he'll make it up soon as he gets the chance to."

"It's okay, we understand what kind of situation he's in." her mother gave her an assurance that it's okay and they're not angry or something.

"Well, chaebol." Joowon shrugged his shoulders and tilts his head a little. Chaewon upon hearing it glares at her brother. "What?" Joowon says, raising his eyebrows.

"Always remind him to take care of himself despite being busy." her dad added

"I will." as she gave her parents a smile. "Oh!" Chaewon exclaims as she remembers something. "Here, it's Minho's gift for your anniversary. He knows you won't take a trip overseas so this is the least he thought of.", she puts an envelope on the table and her dad took a look at what's inside.

"A trip to Jeju."
"We don't need this, but tell him we're thankful."

"I will tell him, he'll be happy you accepted it."

"Use it, don't let it go to waste." Junwon added.


The next day in the afternoon. Chaewon and Junwon are getting ready to leave for Seoul.

"Mom, what are you doing?" Chaewon asked, seeing her mom preparing a lot of foods and packing it inside multiple tupperware. "I mean, I know you want us to bring it but isn't these too much? It can feed 10 people." Chaewon says with a little exaggeration.

Her mom gave her a big smile and said "I want you to give some to Minho, I'm sure he hasn't eaten homemade foods lately considering he's a man living alone."


Another week has started. Minho woke up and started his morning routine. It will be a long Monday he thought.

Looking at his reflection he heard his phone ringing. He took it from the bedside table and expecting it to be from his secretary, to his surprise it wasn't. It was Mrs. Moon, Chaewon's mom. He answered the phone wondering what made Chaewon's mom call all of a sudden, not to mention this early.

"Mrs. Moon, good morning."

"Oh, Minho-ssi. I'm sorry for calling you this early. I just want to thank you for the anniversary gift you gave us."

"I hope you'd use it this time, mother."

"Oh, we will."

"Mother, thank you for the dishes you sent me as well."

"No problem, if you ran out of it I could always send you some. Don't hesitate to call me."

"Yes, mother."

The call was quick and was about to put down his phone when another call came in. He pressed accept.

"Dad asked you to come for dinner, make your schedule free."


The other line hang up right after Minho answered. It was Yoo Ri, and she's always the straight forward type.

The night came and Minho went to the Kim's residence for dinner, as per Yoo Ri's father's request.

On the table, they were already seated and welcomed Minho who just came in time as the foods get served. Minho's parents are present as well, he didn't know they'd be there but he's not surprised either.

"I know you're a busy man but you should loosen up a bit, Minho-ssi."

Minho just bowed at him for respect, not even minding what he suggested.

"Right, we don't want our daughter's future to always be waiting for her husband at dinner table or in bed ready to sleep.", Yoo Ri's mom added.

"That'd be my future without a doubt."

"I'm really sorry for that, in behalf of my son.", Mrs. Lee apologized.

"Speaking of, when will this be official? No man is too busy to buy his future wife a ring, right?", Yoo Ri's mother stated.

"We could take care of it, just tell us what kind of ring would you like dear.", Mr. Lee asked Yoo Ri. He had been so eager for this marriage to push through soon as possible.

The day ended and it was another burdening dinner for Minho. He hasn't thought of marriage yet, and it hasn't pique his interest either.

Instead of driving home he ended up driving to Chaewon's place. He rang the intercom and soon enough Chaewon opened the door for him, surprised he came all of a sudden when it has been months since he went to her place.

Minho knows Chaewon's passcode yet they agreed that he's only using it when she knows he's coming, but when it's a sudden visit then he has to use the intercom. And it goes the same for Chaewon when going to Minho's place.


"Uh, I'm tired Chaewon-ah."

Chaewon wanted to ask what's with the sudden visit but she knows Minho is trying to avoid the topic, just by saying he's tired.

Minho went directly to her couch and let himself rest on it.

"It's late, have you eaten already? I could prepare something quickly."

Minho shook his head. "Chaewon-ah.", he calls her and gestures her to sit beside him by tapping his hand on the empty space beside him.

Chaewon, went and sat close to him as Minho rested his head on her shoulders.

She wants to ask him what made him look so exhausted, it's the first time in a while he looks this tired. But she decided to let him sleep instead, she knew he needed the quietness now among anything else.

She caresses his hair and he dig his head deeper on Chaewon's shoulders indulging the most comforting place he has ever been.

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