Chapter 1. Still hope

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Izuku was 4 years old. for most people this would be exciting since at this age people gain a quirk... right?
sadly for midoriya this wasn't the case, sadly the docter had to infrom izuku that he was quirkless.

Poor Midoriya was lost for words and didn't even know what to say or think anymore, and school certainly didn't help with a kid named Katsuki Bakugo.

Midoriya and bakugo have been friends for a long time but that changed when he heard that Midoriya was quirkless.

"Get lost Deku, no one wants to be around a quirkless loser like you" bakugo said.
"Why are you being so mean? i thought we were friends" little midoriya said while tears coming in his eyes.

"i will never be friends with a Quirkless loser!" he said harshly while blasting Midoriya with an explosion. 

after people heard Midoriya was quirkless kids around his age started bullying him. altho without his notice there were people watching him who didn't care that he was quirkless.

After a few weeks of being bullied, Midoriya became more and more quiet, he felt sad and depressed, he wanted to become a hero but he felt like he never even got a chance to be one, and to make things worse people he considered his friends were now bullying him because he had no powers like they had.

Midoriya was sitting sad at a tree silently sobbing all alone. 'is being Quirkless really that big of a deal? i am human just like others. maybe i can be hero without a quirk' he thought. 'i won't give up on my dream, nothing can stop me'


Midoriya started collecting information about all the hero's he could see and find to become a better hero in the future, Midoriya is now 7 years old.

'All this information is nice and all... but i am so small and fragile, i gotta train! the information about the hero's will help me grow, but i also need to get better, faster and stronger!

From that moment on Midoriya began training everyday, never skipping a day of training, Midoriya was motivated and it didn't take all that long to notice the changes on his body. after a few months he gradually became faster, and also trained his muscle's alot.

Another Timeskip

soon school would be over, and he would try his best at THAT school.

"Alright kids  what do you all want to do after school is finished? ah who am i kidding you, you all wanna become hero's right?" the teacher said, after everyone heard that they al began cheering except for Midoriya and Bakugo.

"Don't lump me on with this bunch of extra's, they might become someone's sidekick but i on the other hand will be going to UA and become the greatest hero the world has ever seen, i alone on this school have to potential to get into UA" Bakugo said in an arrogant tone

"Ah it seems Midoriya also requested for UA" the teacher said, everyone got quiet.
after school was over Bakugo walked towards Midoriya. "you will never become a hero Deku, you're a quirkless loser who can do nothing" he said to midoriya

"that may be so but that doesn't mean i won't give it a try" Midoriya said with a bit confidence. Bakugo got pissed off at what he heard."I know how you can become a hero" he said " take a swan dive out of the window and hope you come back in the next life with a good quirk" 

after Bakugo said that he left. Midoriya was slowly walking home when he heard a noise, when he turned around he saw a sludge villain coming out of the sewer and immediatly tried to take over his body.

Midoriya was trying with all his might to break free but he could't do anything, when he slowly started to lose conciousness someone appeared before him, then everything went blank. After he woke up he looked around to see what happend. before him stood the number 1 hero All might.

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