Chapter 2. Training

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All might has told Midoriya that he can become a hero, after that all might explained that he can give his quirk to Midoriya. But it won't be that easy! 

"Before i can give you my quirk, i have to train you more. My quirk one for all is very strong and at this point i don't think your body can handle the power, so we gotta train you up to make you a vessel which can hold the power of one for all" he said

"Meet me tomorrow at dagoba beach" he continued "We will start your training there" after all might said that they both walked off.

timeskip: the next day

Midoriya got up early, made breakfast and got dressed up for his training with All might.

Once he arrived he saw All might standing there. "All might !!!" he shouted "ah young midoriya you arrived" he smiled "WHAT!? all might is here?!" they heard someone shout.

"Shit" all might said "okay kid now repeat after me: ow sorry my eyes deceived me" he whispers "ow sorry my eyes deceived me there" the people slowly walked away.

"Alright kid it's time to start your training" All might "your training will be to clean this beach in 10 months time" Midoriya didn't believe his ears "i have to clean all of this up!?" he asked shocked.

"Yeah" all might answerd " At current your body is not ready yet to hold my power, trust me once you are done here you will be ready"all might said. he then gave Midoriya a healthy eathing schedule, "this will also help" he said.

After that All might stayed the first few weeks to see how Midoriya would be doing, but after those weeks he had to go because he still had to manage some paperwork for the job he was getting.


After 7 months All might came to check on how Midoriya was doing. When he got there he was too shocked for words. The entire beach was clean, not just the part that Midoriya had to clean but even the other spots outside of where all might told him to.

"So all might what do you think?" Midoriya asked, All might could say a thing he never expected him to have it done so fast. "How did you clean the beach so fast? i thought it would take longer to build up your body" he said still shocked.

"Well, since i was quirkless i still had hope to become a hero" he said. "i gathered alot of information about hero's to improve myself but my body also needed to improve and because of that i have been training for a few years already, so i guess it was a good thing i already started" he smiled.

"Alright, now that you are done i can give you my power" all might said while going into his muscle form. He took a hair from his head " Eat this" he said.

"WHAT?!" Midoriya said shocked. "that's how it works you have to swallow some of my DNA" he explained. Midoriya was still hesitant but took the hair and tried to swallow it while also trying not the puke.

"I don't feel any different" he said "such things take time young Midoriya" all might said "do you even know how your body works? it needs time to digest first, let's meet here again tomorrow since we still got 3 months i am going to help you on controlling one for all, i will also bring someone who will help us" he said.

After that they both left, Midoriya went back home to rest for the day, nothing much had happend but he went to bed early so he would definetly have enough energy for his training with all might.

Morning fell quickly. Midoriya could't wait any longer and was making himself ready to go train with all might. when he reached the Beach again no one was there yet. he then began staring at the sea and how peacefull and clean the beach was now.

After a few minutes he heard a car stop nearby. When he turned around he saw All might walking up to him with a smaller older lady. "Good morning young Midoriya, i would like to introduce you to recovery girl" he said then pointing at the smaller older lady "she will help us with your training since the backlash might be rough" 

"Good morning All might and to you too recovery girl" Midoriya said, "So this kid is your succesor huh All might" she said inspecting Midoriya. they talked for a little while so Midoriya and recovery girl got to know each other a little better.

"Alright let's go young Midoriya, please get in the car we will drive somewhere where we can train you" all might said. they drove for like 45 minutes when they reached a town which looked like it could collapse at any second if the wind would blow a bit harder.

"This is the perfect spot to train" All might said "after villains attacked this place, the people quickly moved away and were too scared to come back so this town has been like this for years" he explained.

"Now young Midoriya let's begin, try channeling one for all" he said. Midoriya began building up power in his right arm. "now throw your punch at that building over there" he pointed at a house which was halfway destroyed.

When Midoriya threw his punch the entire building dissapeared. both All might and Recovery girl were shocked at the power he used, but that power also took his toll. When they watched Midoriya they saw that his entire arm was broken. Recovery girl quickly used her quirk to heal Midoriya. His face went from pain to tired.

Recovery girl then explained that her quirk speeds up the healing process in return for their energy. all might told Midoriya to charge up one for all again, but this time to the point where he feels no strain while holding it, and if he reaches that point then use it on the next building, and so he did.

"Alright young Midoriya, compared to the first blow how much would it be you think?" All might asked. "well i would say around 10%"he said. All might was shocked to know that Midoriya was already able to use 10% of one for all.

After that All might learned him to use one for all through his whole body. Midoriya called it *full cowling* he even learned a little bit to use air pressure moves with kicks and flicking his fingers.

After 3 months of training, Midoriya had to take the entrance exam. He was standing infront of the gate of UA.

"Alright this is it! this is the day i will pass the entrance exam and get a step closer to becoming a great hero!" he said.

I'm gonna end this chapter right here.

how will he handle the exam? will he fail? or will he make it?
i'm still kinda nervous about the fanfic but i have a feeling it's going pretty well.

let me know what you think about it so far.
and i hope you enjoyed it!

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