Chapter. 8 Where is he?!

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After Nejire kissed Midoriya's cheek she held his hand and fell asleep next to him. After a few hours she woke up again and noticed Mirio and Amajiki were also slowly awakening. But Midoriya was still unconcious. The healing he got from Recovery girl had taken alot of energy out of him.

Recovery girl went to examine if Mirio and Amajiki had fully healed, after that they were free to go. However they didn't leave, they took some chairs and sat besides Nejire and Midoriya. Nejire still held his hand, she didn't care anymore what others thought about it.

However this time she didn't get teased by Mirio. Instead he had a worried look. "I hope he is okay he was in pretty bad shape back there and still wanted to continue, he took alot of damage" Mirio said.

"Well you decided to keep going" she said a bit angry. "I'm sorry but he would't take no for an answer you have seen that look in his eyes before aswell he wasn't about to stop even if we refused" he defended himself. "guess your right" she sighned.

"He did fight very good though that's something everyone can agree on" Amajiki said without being shy like he usually is. Nejire and Mirio both nodded. "Normally no one could even go up against Mirio 1 on 1 he took all 3 of us on, he anticipated planned and kept check of his surroundings all while dealing with multiple opponents" Amajiki added.

"He even saved me from further damage after the battle" Nejire said. "what do you mean?" Mirio asked. "After you guys were knocked out i tried using my remaining energy for another shockwave but the moment i wanted to shoot it he kicked it making it explode i lost conciousness but i heard that while we were falling he grabbed me making sure i made a soft landing so i would't be hurt anymore then i already was" she said.

"he really is amazing" Mirio said and the others just nodded.

After that i got quiet for some time, not an awkward silence though. After a while Midoriya slowly started waking up. "Hey Midoriya glad to see you're awake again" Mirio said.

"Thanks" he smiled "Are you guys okay though? i went in pretty hard" he asked with worry. Mirio started laughing. "whats so funny?" he asked. "You were in way worse condition then we were" Amajiki said. Midoriya tried to get up but fell to his knee's. "that's weird i can't seem to get up" he said.

"That isn't very surprising" Recovery girl walked up to him "it was already shocking to hear how long you stayed concious with the wounds you had, you had alot of damage and cuts" she added.

Mirio took Midoriya on his back. "We will take care of him if that's alright with you" he told Recovery girl. she agreed to this and they all walked off. "You know, you really did a number on us" Amajiki said. "maybe but i still lost" he said defeated. Nejire stopped walking "Are you serious?!" she asked. "Well yeah you took me out" he answered. "It was a draw" she said. "Wait.. how?" he asked.

"because we knocked each other out..." she said. They kept walking for some time. "could we maybe go to the park for a bit? This fresh air is nice" he said. Mirio just smiled and nodded. Once they got in the park they stopped for a bit. "You can put me down now, i think i'm alright now" Mirio then slowly put him down but kept watching him so he could catch him if he fell again.

Midoriya was able to stand and walk but just barelly, then Nejire walked up to him placed his arm around her and placed her own arm around him. He began blushing like crazy. "I think you broke him Nejire" Amajiki said while Mirio started laughing. She looked at Midoriya but only smiled. When Midoriya saw her smile he quickly recovered from his blush and smiled back.

they walked like that for another bit before it was getting time for diner, the brought Midoriya back to his dorm. Mirio and Amajiki slowly walked back to their own dorm "We will give you 2 lovebrids some space now" Mirio teased. Nejire began blushing and wanted to say something about it but the moment she wanted to turn around Midoriya grabbed her hand which took her by surprise.

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