Chapter 9. Return.

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It was slowly getting morning. Nejire had fallen asleep with tears running down her face. She was worried sick, sure she was worried about Bakugo too a fellow student for UA but she was more worried about her boyfriend.

Nejire slowly woke up because of the noice that was being made outside her door. When she opened her eyes she saw that the sun was barelly up when someone knocked on her door. "Who is knocking on my door so early in the morning?" she said a bit irritated. "Hey it's Mirio could you come outside for a bit? there are some people who want to talk to you." he said.

Nejire was confused about this but she still got up put some clothes on and walked outside. "Follow me they are waiting infront of the dorm" he said. When they walked outside She saw a few students standing there. Kirishima, Todoroki, Yaoyorozu and Amajiki.

"Hey guys what are you doing here?" She asked a bit confused. "We wanted to ask you something" Kirishima said. "What is it?" she asked a bit curious. "We know how devastated you were when you heard about Midoriya" Todoroki said, bringing her back to reallity that it wasn't all just a bad dream while she slowly felt tears building up. "We are going to look for him" he added.

Nejire was shocked to hear this. "Wait what!? HOW?" she quickly asked. "In the forest there was another of those nomu things" Momo stated "With some help from a student from class B i managed to attach a gps on his body and i have the device to find his gps signal here" she said while holding it up.

"We don't know if Bakugo and Midoriya are there but we still wanna go look... they are our friends and we can't leave them behind" Kirishima said. "We all have a motivation to go.." he added. "Bakugo my friend got taken while i had to hide with other students back at the camp.. Todoroki wasn't able to catch Bakugo in time which made Midoriya rush off and Momo will come along because she made the device, she also said she would make us retreat if it would come to a fight" he explained.

Nejire now looked towards Todoroki who had tears of frustration in his eyes. "If i was faster then Bakugo wasn't taken away and Midoriya would't be gone!" he blamed himself. "Don't worry, we will get him back!" Nejire said wondering where her confidence came from.

She then turned to Amajiki. "Why are you coming along?" she asked, "Because i know you will go with them and because Midoriya is a close friend to us all, He joined our familiy we don't call ourselfs the big 4 for nothing" he said with a smile. "Thanks" she said while a tear fell down from her eyes.

"I will be staying here to try and get you as much time as possible with some excuses for the teachers, we actually aren't aloud to leave school grounds. But i'm not gonna stop you we have to find him!" Mirio said with determination "Another reason i will stay behind is because my quirk would't be much help for this kind of operation." he said lightly smiling.

Nejire nodded "Alright guys when are we leaving?" she asked. "Right now actually before anyone else wakes up" Kirishima said. "Hold it right there" they heard.

When they looked they saw Aizawa walking up to them. "I heard everything you said" he said. "Sorry Mister Aizawa but we can't just stand back doing nothing.. even if the pro's made a search group to find them we still have to do something! we felt helpless enough back at the camp!" Todoroki said, surprising everyone.

"As your teacher... i would have to pin you all down and stop you all from leaving.. but" He said while signing. "If you can promise me that you will be carefull and to not get yourself injured then i will take the blame for letting you leave" he said. "I too feel helpless I should of protected my students"

This hit everyone really hard as they have never seen Aizawa show so much emotion, normally he is the silent type without any expression or emotion. They all nodded and ran off to the train station.

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