Chapter 7. The big 3

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After the kiss Nejire went back to her dorm to sleep. Midoriya had the same plan, but that changed when he opened the door. Once he walked inside he saw Bakugo wrapped up in Aizawa's capture cloth and found himself caught slowly after.

Aizawa gave both of them a pretty rough lecture and housearest. 3 Days for Midoriya and 4 for Bakugo. They were told to clean the ground floor top to bottom 2 times a day. 

After their first day of housearrest, Midoriya felt like he fell behind alot and in just 1 day. " Deku! it's your turn to throw away the trash so make yourself usefull and take it out!" Bakugo shouted. Midoriya took all the trash and was slowly walking to the dump, When he noticed a Familiar face along the way on a wall. "Wait i know you!? Mirio??!!" Midoriya freaked out. 

"Ah so she was right it was you on house arrest" he smiled. "Just wanted to make sure it really was you, but you will see me again soon enough" after he said that he vanished.

'that was waaay to wierd' Midoriya thought as he walked away to throw away the trash. On his way back he could't help wonder about what Mirio said. 'What does he mean that i will see him again soon" he got in mutter storm while being completely in his thoughts, while someone just giggled at that side of him. "Well after last night you seem to be in a very good mood Nejire" Mirio said looking up in a tree. "O...oh think so?" she stutterd and blushed.

"Something happend between you and Midoriya didn't it?" he said with a smirk. "what!? nothing happend between me and izuk- i mean midoriya" she blushed. "Come on you can't hide it from me" he teased "You normally never stutter, and your smile hasn't gone away ever since you saw him again + you were calling him Izuku just now"

"Okay fine, something did happen" she pouted while looking away. "You know you can tell me right? we're friends" he said with a smile. "We both found out we love each other and we kissed" she said while reaching a new lvl of red in her face. 

"About time" he said while laughing, "You can say that again" she whispered with a smile.

Midoriya made it back to his dorm and returned to his cleaning duties. 3 Days quickly passed and he was allowed to get to his classes again. "I'm back guys! I will catch up to everything i missed in those past 3 days!!!" he said with steam coming from his nose.

"Glad you got such high spirit, your gonna need it" Aizawa said from behind him with a grin. "Everyone to your seats" they quickly took their seats. "Now that Midoriya is back you are gonna learn about workstudie's and who better to explain workstudie's then those who experienced them" he said. Then 3 Familliar faces came inside.

"Haven't we met you guys before?" Ashido asked. "Yes you have met them before at the USJ incident but we had to leave out introductions thanks to that villain attack" Aizawa said.

"These 3 are known as *the big three* and they will teach you about workstudie's" Aizawa said. "Now time to introduce yourselfs let's start with amajiki" Amajiki got nervous while he tried to imagine everyone a potato but failed and got too shy to talk. "Come on Amajiki, you need to have the heart of a lion! not a kitten" she said while laughing.

"Well this is tamaki Amajiki" she then said " And my name is Nejire Hado" she looked around the class but stopped at Midoriya while she started staring and giving him a blinding smile. Midoriya answered with his own Smile, but didn't notice everyone shifting their eyes between Nejire and Midoriya. After a few seconds of silence. "You can stare at each other and more after class" Aizawa teased them which made them blush.

'How does he know?!' the both thought. "If you are wondering about how i know.. i saw you through the window of the dorm" he explained as if he could read their minds. "Well it's time to introduce the last of the 3 and that's me Mirio Togata" Mirio said. 

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