Chapter 12. Save her!

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Izuku and Nejire went to see Inko's grave it was a very emotional moment for Izuku but Nejire supported him all the way. "Hey Izuku" Nejire started. "Yeah what is it?" he asked.

"Next time you are gonna do something like that again.. i mean you and Mirio Add me in your plan i don't want to be left out, and i want to help you whenever i can" she said.

"Alright i will but let's hope something like that won't be needed anymore" he smiled. "Yeah let's hope so"

They slowly walked back towards the dorms but stopped on the way there for ice cream. After that they continued walking back. It was already late so they expected to get an earfull from Aizawa and when they arrived they felt bad for being right about it as he scolded them.

The next day Class 1A wanted to try some sort of tournament, to see if they had improved aswell as find weaknesses in their strategy's and quirks, while also having some fun. Suddenly the big three walked up and asked if they could join in on the fun which everyone agreed on.

Even Bakugo didn't mind as he finnaly had someone to test his strength on. all matches ended pretty quickly untill 4 people were left.

Izuku vs Todoroki

Bakugo vs Mirio.

"Don't think you will beat me Midoriya" Todoroki said. "Maybe and maybe i will we will just have to see!" with that said the battle began.

Todoroki shot a giant glacier towards Midoriya who quickly avoided by using Full cowling. 'my ice is too slow for this long ranged it has to be a surprise attack' Todoroki thought. When suddenly Izuku appeared infront of him punching him in the gut while following quickly by an uppercut. but when he did Todoroki managed to shoot some fire towards Izuku dealing some damage. Izuku quickly jumped around the field at a blinding speed but before he reached Todoroki again. Todoroki made a spike field around him made of ice.

"That speed of yours can backfire you know" Todoroki said with a grin.

"I know but it can also help me" Midoriya said while sudenly standing infront of Todoroki kicking his legs from underneath him then kicking him in the gut up in the air after that he slowly grabbed Todoroki's leg throwing him into the ground.

"Damn" most of them brought out. "Alright you win" Todoroki said while he wasn't able to stand up.

"Sorry i went a bit rough on you but it would be bad to hold back on you" Midoriya admitted.

Now for the next fight was Bakugo vs Mirio.

Mirio quickly shot underground then appeared behind Bakugo, Bakugo expected as much turned around and shot an explosion in his face. 'he had amazing reflexes!' Mirio thought. Mirio went back underground and then kept appearing and dissapearing to throw Bakugo off as to where he would come from.

Mirio suddenly jumped out from infront of Bakugo, Bakugo used another explosion but it passed right through Mirio as he punched Bakugo in the gut. Mirio and Bakugo kept fighting for a bit when suddenly a warp gate appeared. Out of the warp came a horde of villains together with Shigaraki and the vangaurd action squad. "You all know what we came here for now get to work" Shigaraki ordered.

All the villains started attacking while class 1A and the big three were trying to hold them off for the teachers to come, but they were worn out from the tournament they held as they never expected villains to show up at UA itself.

Everyone was quickly being cornered but something was off. The Villains didn't attack to kill but tried to seperate someone from them. Untill Izuku realised it. 'they are seperating Nejire from us but why her? What do they want with her? At first their target was Bakugo since he sometimes talks like a villain and acts very agressive but she isn't like that at all' he thought while at that moment magna hitted her on the head making her unconcious. "Kurogiri now!" Shigaraki said. Then Kurogiri took Nejire away.

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