Chapter4. Battle Trial

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sup guys just something i forgot to mention Midoriya already has costume gamma and his shootstyle in my fanfic

"Today we will be doing more hero training" All might said. "we will make groups of 2 and put them against each other as teams of hero's and villains, but we will do it inside a building since most fights happen inside" he explains. "the villains will go inside first and make a plan to protect the bomb while the hero's will be send in later to try and capture the villains or retrieve the bomb.

(the teams and matchups stay the same) 

"Tell me .... does Deku have a quirk?" Bakugo asks. "what do you mean? you saw that monsterous power for yourself didn't you?" Iida says. this made Bakugo just more angrier. 'who does he think he is hiding his quirk and pretending to be quirkless' he thinks to himself. 

While they are waiting some people walk into the spectators room. "Hey there All might is it alright if we watch for a bit?" the blonde asks. All might turns around to see who it is, when he see's who it he looks shocked but agree's to it.

After some time Midoriya and Uraraka enter the building. while slowly making their way upstairs they are soon ambushed by bakugo which throws an explosion at Midoriya. Midoriya then quickly uses full cowl 5% to jump back and help uraraka evade the attack.

Bakugo comes at him again with a right swing. Midoriya quickly grabs his arm and throws him over his shoulder into the ground. "My Deku won't stay useless forever Kacchan, i will show you that Deku means 'you can do it'" he says while bakugo quickly got up. 

"Uraraka quick go upstairs and retrieve the bomb i will hold Kacchan off" he says "are you sure?" she asks. he just nods then she runs off to search for the bomb. 
"What is happening down there?!" Iida asks Bakugo through the communicator in his ear. "nothing you should worry about just protect the bomb" Bakugo says then breaks the communicator. 

The fight between Bakugo and Midoriya continue's while both got some solid hits in. Midoriya now uses 15% and Bakugo has trouble keeping up. 'what is this speed?!' he thought. Midoriya then did some heavy hits on Bakugo, which pisses him off. 

Bakugo lifts his right arm up. "Tell me Deku... you like to keep information on everyone right? you know what my quirk does right? my sweat is like nitroglycerin... but i can only sweat so much" he says while grinning "thats why i got those gauntlets, the store up my sweat so i can release it in 1 big explosion." he says. Midoriya looks at Bakugo wide eyed.

All might shouted "No young Bakugo! that's way too dangerous!". but bakugo didn't hear all might due to breaking the communicator. The blast went of and Midoriya tries to dodge but still gets burned on his left arm and shoulder.

There was a big hole in the wall now. Everyone in the spectators room was shocked at the damage but also at Midoriya's reflexes to dodge it. "sir you have to stop this" Kirishima said "He is going way too far he could of killed Midoriya with that move" he says. 

The blue haired girl looks up. 'so his name is Midoriya huh... he is interesting' she thinks to herself. she then feels herself staring towards him on the screen while blushing a little bit.

the blonde guy and the boy with black hair just smirk at her without saying a thing.

"If he tries to use it again i will immediatly stop this match" all might says. The fight continues both Midoriya and Bakugo became pretty tired but were still fighting. the were both bleeding alot too. Everyone was amazed at how Midoriya could still fight with those cuts and burns from that huge blast.

Bakugo raised his left arm. "time to use it... DIE DEKU!" he shouts. at the same time uraraka retrieves the bomb. "young Bakugou stop this, the hero team won!" Bakugo didn't hear him and used his move anyway. Midoriya did hear and pushed himself.  he quickly used 30% and shot an air cannon with his finger at the blast which made it blow between the 2 boys.

Both Midoriya and Bakugo got blown away by the blast. Everyone was already amazed by how Midoriya could still fight with his injuries, but they were even more amazed by his quick thinking by stopping the blast. Even so both of them were unconcious after that huge explosion.

Everyone in the spectators room watched in horror as they didn't see any movement from the boys. All might quickly recovered from the shock and rushed to the field. Once he arrived both Uraraka and Iida both looked pale at the damage the explosion caused but also the state the boys were in.

All might quickly lifted them up and brought them to Recovery girl. "hey All mi-" she started but went pale when she saw the boys. "What happend to them!?" she asked worriedly. "We were having a battle trial training but they took it a bit too far" All might explained.

Recovery girl sighned " place them on the beds there i will tend to their wounds" she said. When she went to inspect the wounds she was shocked. "All might did this kid really fight with those injuries?" she pointed to Midoriya. 

"yes i am afraid so, young Bakugo used his gauntlet and made a huge blast, young Midoriya was somehow able to react and avoid most of the damage but as you can see, the damage he did take was a heavy one." he said.

Recovery girl kept looking at Midoriya for a bit more then she gave him and Bakugo a kiss so they could heal. "I will keep them here a little longer so i can examine them more when they wake up, you go back to your class" she said. All might nodded and went back to the spectators room to make the next round start.

"Hey all might" the blonde said. All might turned around. "ah yes, what is it?" he asked. "How are those 2 boys doing?" "they are doing fine. Recovery girl has healed them but wanted to keep them there to examine them more when they wake up" All might explained.

"Ah that's good to hear" the blonde says. "Can i ask you another question?" 
"sure go right ahead" The blonde guy looked at his friends then back to all might. "Your class will be doing disaster rescue training next week right? is it alright if we joined you?" he asked.

All might was stunned by this request. "normally i would refuse but you guys have alot of experience it would help us teachers alot if you could help us and the class" he said.

"Alright then it's settled" the blonde said smiling. After that the other teams had their rounds (everything went the same as in the anime for them, so i'm gonna skip that sorry).

After classes were over Midoriya was looking for Bakugo. "Bakugo? he just left" Kirishima said "he should be around the front gate by now" Midoriya rushed to catch up to him. "Kacchan" he shouted at Bakugo.

"What do you want you damn nerd?" he said with an angry look on his face. "My quirk... it's not like i tried to hide it from you." Midoriya started which caught Bakugo's interest. "I was quirkless untill recently. someone... gave me his quirk, i will make this borrowed power my own! and then i will beat you with my own power!" he stated.

Bakugo just shrugged it off and went back home. All might wanted to confront Midoriya with what he just said, and that he should keep it all a secret but this time he let it slide since it seemed Bakugo didn't believe him anyway. 

Little did they know that someone else also heard this aswell, someone who got rather curious about his quirk now.

Alright that's chapter 4, i feel like it's going pretty decent.
i'm also very thankfull that there are people who are enjoying this fanfic already!

i will try to keep up the good work and make it as good as possible.

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