Chapter10. Overcome the past

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Sup guys i haven't posted in a bit, i try to post daily but guess it took a bit longer, mostly cause i kinda screwed myself last chapter with Making midoriya say he would make it up... he should tho but honestly i can think of nothing to make that interesting since i got no romance experience.. so i'll just skip that sorry.

Further more, this might be a depressing Chapter but it's mostly to get Nejire closer to Midoriya.

I can understand if most people don't like this but oh well, the start is a bit rushed sorry for that. But it will be a timeskip right from the start.

The day after that night Midoriya took Nejire on a date which was more then worth it in Nejire's opinion and he certainly did make it up to her. A few weeks later Aizawa told them they would start their workstudie's and that they would have to search for a place to have the workstudie's.

Midoriya wanted to try for Nighteye agency altho he had no idea how to get in contact with them so he went to talk with all might. All might knew that Mirio was having his work studie there aswell and so he called Mirio to his office.

Once Mirio got there and heard the story he was more then happy to take Midoriya with him to nighteye agency for his workstudie. Nighteye quickly agreed as he had heard that Midoriya made a draw against the big 3 and said it sounded promising.

alright thats what had happend in the timeskip time. Sorry guys i have been thinking for a few days and could't think of any idea's to make this interesting so yeah.

but with that out of the way let's start with the chapter itself.

"Mirio and Midoriya you 2 will patrol this part of the city and we will do this part" he said while pointing places on the map. "Bubble girl and i will be watching overhaul's lackeys and see if we can get any information" he said.

"Before we start here is some info about him" Nighteye added while showing his picture. This is Kai chisaki otherwise known as Overhaul. His quirk is also called Overhaul he can disasemble object and repair it" he said.

"Even if it's a very slim chance, but does it happen that you happen to encounter him, do not under tell them you are in my agency and don't raise suspicion. It is already hard enough to get information as it is let alone if he knows that we are watching him." Nighteye explained, Midoriya and Mirio nodded.

"You might encounter our comrades from Ryuku's agency as they will be helping us today" he said. "One last thing. if you happen to encounter Overhaul don't do anything reckless and only act if someone's life is in danger if that is the case then grab that person and make a run for it! make sure 1 of you calls me to help you and go towards an area with less people"

With that Midoriya and Mirio started their patrol. They mostly talked about what sort of hero's they wanna be, their hero names and also some of their skills when suddenly someone bumped into them. "Oh i'm sorry are you alright? " Midoriya asked a little girl with long silver hear who fell on the ground.

Midoriya placed a gentle hand on her head when she suddenly jumped up and held him tight. Mirio also noticed this but to their surprise someone else walked up to them. "Eri you should stop doing this you are making trouble for others" the man said slowly walking out of the ally.

'OVERHAUL!!??' was Midoriya's first thought 'shit i should't show my panic or he might notice that something is up' Midoriya took a good look at the man and then to the child in his arms. he was shocked to see her in bandages. "Sir may i ask what happend to this girl?" he asked "She has bandages all over her body" Chisaki glared at Midoriya "My daughter is just very clumsy i am sorry about that" he answered.

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