Chapter 5

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Chat >>> Stay Away Heteros

<Ass_Swiper is online>

Ass_Swiper: hey guys, Kyle's now at home, we won't be at school for the rest of the day. Just thought I'd let you know.

<The_UwU is online>

<Butter_my_nutters is online>

<Coffee_is_gay is online>

<SpacemanBOUNCE is online>

<TacoMASTER is online>

The_UwU: oh my gosh is he okay?

Ass_Swiper: he's got worse, but not too much

Ass_Swiper: he's sleeping now

SpacemanBOUNCE: damn being sick is a bitch

TacoMASTER: agreed

Butter_my_nutters: double agreed

Coffee_is_gay: I'm coming with Craig with the medicine

Ass_Swiper: good because we can't find any

Butter_my_nutters: do y'think it's that bug goin around?

TacoMASTER: when I had it, it didn't hit me as hard as Kyle (from what Kenny's said)

SpacemanBOUNCE: yeah sickness is a bitch

<Ass_Swiper has left the chat>

Butter_my_nutters: where'd he go

The_UwU: maybe Kyle woke up

TacoMASTER: or he just wanted to do something apart from talking to gays

SpacemanBOUNCE: he is a fellow gay tho

TacoMASTER: true true

Butter_my_nutters: that's what the chat is here for folks

TacoMASTER: true true

The_UwU: hey where's token? He's usually always with Clyde

TacoMASTER: he's giving Kenny his stuff

The_UwU: Ah. He's that bad???

SpacemanBOUNCE: judging by all the meds my bf has gone and brought for him, yeah.

The_UwU: gosh darn

TacoMASTER: true true


Chat >>> We Need To Talk About Kyle

<KennyMcDick is online>

<Kyle's Bro is online>

<Fatboy is online>

Kyle's Bro: ok I'm coming back with Ike, he's upset but trying not to show it

Kyle's Bro: hows it goin over with you guys?

KennyMcDick: he threw up again, Cartman is just grabbing the shit that Craig and Tweek brought.

Kyle's Bro: how bad?

KennyMcDick: bad, dude

Kyle's Bro: shit

KennyMcDick: he's just kinda in my arms right now tbh

KennyMcDick: he's mumbling something but I can't tell what

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