Chapter 13

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Private Message Tweek T >> Craig

Tweek T: so what's going on? What does Clyde have to say?

Craig: it was more complicated than we thought

Craig: he knows he was wrong tho

Tweek T: what happened?

Craig: just his dad being like "my son is straight hahaha"

Craig: same old same old

Tweek T: so he thought he had to break up???

Craig: he thought he was straight not bi

Tweek T: I need to give the taco a hug

Craig: you can once he finds token

Tweek T: lets hope this works out


Private Message Clyde >>> Token

Clyde: token I was wrong I'm so sorry

Clyde: I need to find you

Clyde: token

Clyde: I was confused and upset please I want to make up

Clyde: token?


Clyde: I'm sorry for everything

Clyde: I can't loose you


Clyde: I wouldn't blame you if you didn't forgive me

Clyde: I was horrible and I didn't offer any explanation

Clyde: token please talk to me

Clyde: even if it's to say fuck off


Clyde: I'm so sorry


Clyde bit his lip, pulling his jacket closer to himself as the cold wind knifed him. His phone buzzed and he eagerly looked at the screen. He frowned when he realised it was a text from Tweek and not Token.

He didn't bother reading the message, pocketing his phone and scanning the area. This was the last place he could think of – the place where they had first confessed.

"Token?" Clyde moves through the park, slipping through the bushes and into the clearing. He wanted to find Token standing there, waiting for him, but the male was nowhere in sight.

"Token?" Clyde called again. He stepped into the centre of the clearing. There, just as he left it, a group of rocks in the shape of a heart lay on the ground.

"I fucked up." Clyde let his legs collapse beneath him. His hands trembled as he brought them to his face, covering his eyes. "I really fucked up."

"You can say that again."

Clyde looked up sharply, knowing the deep voice anywhere. His breath caught as he stared at Token, who had just entered the clearing.

"Token I –" Clyde began, but Token cut him off with a raise of his hand.

"Why did you think that?" Token asked quietly. He held up his phone. "Tweek told me what happened with you and the that true?"

His voice was upset and angry, and Clyde felt tears burn into his eyes at the sound of the pain.

"I thought – I thought my dad was right...I just wanted him to like me..." Clyde shook his head. "But I was wrong. I really fucked up but I just wanted him to be proud and –" Clyde felt tears run down his cheek, his voice becoming too clogged to continue. He couldn't see through his blurred vision, but suddenly felt himself get pressed against someone else's chest.

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