Chapter 16

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Group Chat > Fuck Cartman

<Kyle's Bro is online>

Kyle's Bro: @everyone has anyone found Sparky???

Kyle's Bro: anyone???

<Gingerbread is online>

Gingerbread: not yet, but the whole gang is looking

Kyle's Bro: have you checked in the holly bushes?

Gingerbread: yeah we have

<KennyMcDick is online>

KennyMcDick: I'm going to check down at the marshes

KennyMcDick: I've called Clyde and he says he'll get token and help find him

<KennyMcDick has left the chat>

Kyle's Bro: what if we don't find him? What am I going to do? He's getting old and I don't know whether he can manage

Gingerbread: Stan calm down

Gingerbread: we aren't leaving until we find him

Kyle's Bro: but what if he ran into a road???? I can't

Gingerbread: he's not that dumb

Kyle's Bro: but what if it did happen? What do I do Kyle???

Gingerbread: dm me for a sec

Kyle's Bro: ok


Private Chat Kyle B >> Stan

Kyle B: Stan if somehow that is the case and sparky is dead I will help you, I promise

Kyle B: I really care about you Stan, and I dong want you to throw yourself away again. Please don't hide away again.

Stan: it's all just too much

Stan: I can't keep going

Stan: Sparky was always there for me and I just don't know what to do if I don't have to walk him every morning or rub his belly

Kyle B: Please keep going stan.

Kyle B: because I don't know what I'll do without you

Kyle B: you've always been there. You matter so much to me, Kenny and even Cartman. It's always been us four since the start.

Kyle B: please don't give up Stan.

Stan: I'll try Kyle but everything is so wrong lately

Stan: and sparkys missing now, I just feel like the world is out to get me

Kyle B: if it is then I'll stop it.

Stan: I don't know whether you can

Kyle B: watch me

Stan: we will find sparky, right?

Kyle B: yeah we will, I promise

Stan: thank you

Stan: even if it is just empty words they made me feel better

Kyle B: they are never empty words, Stan. I could never lie to you

Kyle B: come meet me at the four oak trees

Kyle B: we'll find Sparky together

Stan: ok


Kyle smiled as Stan came into view, wearing long boots and a thick coat. It was good to know that he had gone to the effort to take care of himself before looking for his dog.

South Park Group Chat (aka the We Hate Cartman Club)Where stories live. Discover now