tour of the glade

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Cora's POV

i got woken up with a nudge followed by another, i slowly moved and batted the air where the hand nudged me.

"im awake, no wait... what time is it?" i kept one eye shut as i peeked out the other to see Newt crouching in front of me, i sighed when the sun only seemed to be just rising. i rolled onto my back before curling up again.

"Greenie get up, i dont want to wake up the rest of these come with me" Newt demanded in a harsh whisper while pulling on my sleeping bag. i groaned and wiggled out before crawling to my feet, loosing my balance and fell into Newts chest. 

he gripped me tightly making no movement, he scanned the other boys before he let go. he grabbed my hand and walked through the pile of boys all around us, he led us over to a tower looking thing, we climbed up and once we reached the top Newt hung his legs over the edge sitting down.

i slowly moved to the edge and sat a rulers length away from him, it was silent but i could still his ragged breathing. he seemed zoned out, i looked at his face... it looked cleaner then yesterday, it wasnt covered in dirt it looked soft and smooth.

his eyes eventually lit with colour, i pulled my attention from him up to the sky. the sun had started rising making beautiful colours and patterns.

"this is the only thing keeping me going" Newt spoke first, after we had sat here in silence for 15 minutes...or at least it felt like it. i broke my gaze from the sky and looked over to Newt.

"the sun rise?" i spoke questioning whether he meant the sky or something else. 

"the thought of tomorrow" he glanced at me, before a smirk grew on his face, he wore it like he always pulls that face. i looked up to the sky now, the glade seeming to wake up with the sun. the doors opened and the boys were off into the Maze.

"what if the sign of tomorrow doesnt show?" i asked watching all the boys gather in the dinning hall, i felt my stomach turn at the smell of breakfast, id skipped out on dinner being put off by everything yesterday.

"then you gotta hope" he spoke before he started getting up, he offered me a hand up. i was going to take it when i felt my chest sting, i grabbed at the inside of my chest, i felt hot and something rise....i quickly ran down from the tower and into the forest, where i had lost whatever food id eaten before the maze.

Newt came running after me, noticing me doubled over clutching at the tree. i moved my hair back and standing up straight again, Newt came closer and i nearly had a panick attack.

"No...dont come over here" i spoke before turning around and flashing him a smile, before walking over to him. i then walked past him out of the forest towards where everyone was eating, i just ate a apple sitting at a table with chuck and thomas.

"no offence but you look like klunk" chuck said over to me before thomas hit him over the head, giving him some sort of 'why would you even say that' look. i shook my head before i bit into my apple again.

"i feel like Klunk" i grinned, i used one of their words...i dont even know exactly what it meant but i get the feeling i do.

"dont worry tommy here looked worse" chuck said as if it would brighten the mood, it did a bit but i still felt a but nausous. thomas told me how the box ride up kind of messed up your stomach a bit and that i should be fine soon.

i saw Newt walk in and look around, i ducked a bit making sure he didnt see me. i just puke after he showed me something such a loser. when he walked up to Frypan i quickly ran out the enterance. i didnt really know where to run to so i kind of just gave myself a tour.

i was guessing that in one corner was the animal farm i saw yesterday, a crop garden kinda place, a house which seemed to be scary with all the screams coming out of it. i turned and saw a thicker forest area, i walked over there eating my apple, making my way through the shrubs and branches before there was a clearing.

i froze when i saw that it was a graveyard, i walked over to one of the plarks and moved my hand over it feeling bad. i crawled over to a glass box and looked in, i was shocked at the boy who was cut in half that i fell backwards looking at that plark.

“Let this half-shank be a warning to all: You can’t escape through the Box Hole."

i kept that in my mind, only one way out, one way it.

"greenie, the tour?" i turned to look at the familiar voice with tears in my eyes scared of what could happen to any one of them and knowing i was responscible some how in all this mess. i stood up slowly dropping my apple and wipping my eyes, i gasped for air but then the tears came down faster and the gasps became more demanding.

"Newt i dont want to die, i-i want to make everything right again" i managed to make out between my sobs and gasps, i heard him move closer as my eyes were blurred with tears. i felt strong arms wrap around my back holding me to his chest.

"its fine greenie, i promise you...its all going to return to how it was before" he rubbed my back in soothing circles, my gasps slowed down and became hitches in my breaths. i relaxed into Newts chest taking it all in listening to his but calming.

"Newt, i think im good name is Cora" i smiled up to him and he smiled back to me, then held out his hand.

"the names Newt, Cora...pleasure to meet you" he laughed a bit before something hit my memories

"Newt where are we going, were going to get in trouble"
"shhh Cora, the others will never find us here, ecspeacially since thomas and teresa are seeking" Newt pushed his finger to my lips as if to silence me, we were in a closet really close together. Newt was leaning in and....

I blushed and realised what we'd done, i covered my face and leaned into Newts chest and let out a sigh of relief that it was only me that could see that. i moved off him and patter his chest as if trying to wipe off the tear marks.

i smiled up to him before i grabbed his hand and started walking out of the graveyard with him, just before we got out Newt removed his hand from mine and scratched at the back of his neck, even in the dark i could still see the tint of red in his cheeks.

"so what about that tour?" i awkwardly croaked out, the sight of Newt blushing made my heart seem to Explode. if my memories are correct, me and Newt had something before the maze...something more than friends, but if i was suddenly to speak about before the box they'd get suspiscious....

"yeah right, lets start so this....


A/N by the way if you guys dont know the italics are her memories 

The Box //The Maze Runner//Newt// Book 1Where stories live. Discover now