Part 21

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dont listen to the song if you havent read the death cure! AND IF YOU HAVE SKIP TO 1:55 TO BREAK YOUR HEART!


Coras POV.

i watched the spot that was now leaking blood, my eyes watering as the boy who i was talking to moments before was now gone. Minho yelled some instructions as if Alby had Never existed or been a friend to him. My body seemed to freeze wanting to colapse right there and then.

"Cora!" i felt someone shake me as it seemed the group had dispursed from the circle, i stood there just shaking as i was being dragged towards the cliff. I noticed chuck was pulling on me, in that moment i realized chuck could be strong why couldnt i.

i nodded to him before he let go and teresa dragged him along behind her and Thomas, i re-gripped my spear like weapon and looked for a boy who needed help. i saw a boy who was being lifted up by a griever, i ran over only to be showered in that boys blood as the grievers pulled him in half.

his blood was all over the place, i grabbed my spear and shoved it into the griever, i tried to pull the spear out of the grievers body but its body was like mud. i grabbed the machette that Newt made me bring just in case.

the grievers arm loomed over me, i sliced at where the grievers arm was coming from. the griever pulled its arm back giving me more time to try pull my spear out, the Next moment another spear flew through the grievers head making it stumble a bit.

i looked to where the spear came from and saw Winston, i nodded to him before he ran over and pulled both of our spears out, he handed mine to me before patting me on the back. i Knew what they were all thinking, there is no way i could be any use up here.

they're right though, there isnt anything special about me like Teresa or Thomas, im not smart or just me, they didnt even give me abilities like the others....Others?... I refocused and turned to see the griever Winston killed laying there.

i spun the other way to see Newt struggling on the floor with a griever of him, the only thing between them is his spear, i ran over and speared the griever in the neck before it picked me up forgetting about Newt i heard Newts yells but i ignored them.

i stabbed the arm that held me in the air, seeing it was Metal it didnt do anything except dent it a bit. Newt started stabbing the grievers head, i paniced when its attention went back to Newt for a moment.

i hit the arm again and yelled at the Griever, it turned to face me shrieking in mine. then it seemed to freeze for a moment before dropping me, i fell on to my knees, Newt helped me stand up as we both observed the grievers fall, shutting down. 

i noticed the once grey maze covered in the blood of boys who had dreams to escape. i held on to Newt as i felt a guilt rise through my body. Minho patted our shoulders before gesturing to the cliff, Minho jumped through, followed by newt and the rest.

i looked back at the maze, the blood, the rest of the boys before mumbling something to no one.

"thank you for your help, your death wont be forgotten..." i then jumped into the griever hole looking at all of us in there before movement happened i stayed towards the back, with Newt, Minho, Thomas and Teresa.

Teresa came over to me and cupped my face in her hands wipping away some of the blood on her sleeve, i could only imagine what i looked like. covered in the blood of that poor glader.

soon enough we were all standing in front of this chute looking thing, i went after Minho and Newt, the chute seemed to go on forever, i caught up to Newt accidently kicking him before i heard Minho complain in fornt of him before a 'Manly' yell came from the two of them.

The Box //The Maze Runner//Newt// Book 1Where stories live. Discover now