Part 19

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Coras POV.

i was woken by a sudden shake, i knew it was time to prepare for the night. me and Newt decided to stay seated under the stairs for the night, i snuggled into his chest and rested there, waiting for the first sound of the grievers.

"Newt, i love you..." i mumbled i just felt like saying it if either one of us was taken, i wanted to make sure he knew i was completely serious about him.

"i love you too-" the first shriek of a griever sounded through the air followed by others, the sound pounded in my head. the clinks of metal against the Maze floor became louder and louder until the first leg hit the glade ground.

i nuzzled my head into Newts neck as he stroked my hair, everyone became silent again breaths were the only thing you could hear, the intimidating sounds of the grievers grew closer until one shrieked right outside of the door.

i blocked my ears and squeezed my eyes shut to block out the sound, Newt brought me in tighter my chest was pressed to his but it killed when my chest pressed against him, i pulled away a bit and tried to get comfortable but my chest was sore. 

i moved my hands from my ears and held my chest, Newt blushed looking at me raising an eyebrow, i mouthed 'my chest is painfully sore' but i dont think he got it, the Grievers were all moving around the outside of the homestead like they were sizing up who to take or which room would be easy to take a person from.

Newt leaned in close to me to whisper "what are you doing, honestly this isnt time to tease me..." he mumbled out, i looked at him before moving closer to his ear to whisper.

"my chest is really sore, it hurts" i whined into his ear and he raised a eyebrow i shrugged and he moved me into his lap. hugging me around the waist before a burst through the wall happened right next to us. we looked up at the sudden explosion of the wall just to see a boy being dragged away, i reached my hand out but by then it was too late.

i sat there in Newts lap just looking at the wall that could no longer be counted as a wall, listening to all the grievers retreat, i slowly got out of Newts lap walking to the hole in the wall before nausea consumed my body, i moved out of the view of the boys and was sick.

moments later someone held my hair back and rubbed my back, i Knew it was Newt, seeing one of the Gladers being taken right in front of my eyes...the fear in his, it made me completely sick that all i could do was watch.

"Cora, you okay love?" i nodded before wipping my mouth off before standing up straight, leaning against the wall of the homestead.

"never been better" i forced out a laugh before Newt came and hugged me close before moving away.

"you smell like vomit, go get a shower." he held his Nose and i punched him feeling real angry rather than feeling playful, i grabbed Newt by the arm and dragged him into the bathroom with me. i felt sexy in that moment so i started stripping off in front of Newt, watching him watch my body intensely.

i was left in my underwear before i walked to one of the showers before stripping off fully throwing my underwear out of the shower, i turned the shower letting the hot water flow over my body before calling out to newt.

"newt, can you get me some of your clothes to wear"i smiled to myself as i heard the door open and shut, i remembered the boy who was taken and my senses were brought back. i realized what was happening i was having mood swings.

i suddenly felt embarrassed at what id just done, id been completely seductive in front of Newt at least it wasnt anyone else. i turned the shower off and grabbed a towel that was lying around and wrapped it around my body sitting on the seat opposite the showers.

the door creaked open, i turned my head to see Newt with a pair of green jeans and a loose looking top, i stood up holding on to the towel, noticing Newt had taken all my clothes with him. i looked down and blushed.

"haha sorry Newt, mood swings, you know, puberty and teenagers and all" i mumbled towards rambling on at the end, until Newt came over red faced and passed me the clothes before kissing my cheek.

"ill be outside the door when your done" was all he said before he left, i was shocked but i didnt mind my body was becoming tired from all the engery it took to change the emotions. once i was dressed i found Newt outside before we went some where to sleep for the rest of the night.


the Next morning i looked over to Newt who was sleeping like a baby, i smiled before grabbing one of his fingers and sticking it up his nose, he woke up suddenly and scared the Klunk out of me. he laughed grabbing my hands and kissing them before getting up, pulling me up along with him.

we headed over to the Homestead where the builders were making a quick fix for the wall that was broken last night, we walked through the door and up the stairs to go see tommy, when we went in he was finishing the touches on his clothes before looking up to us.

"oh hey guys, you miss me?" Newt walked over and punched him in the shoulder much harder than ive ever seen Newt hit, i smiled a bit before walking over and hugging tommy. 

"glad to finally hear something other than screams come out of you tommy" he patted my back before we both pulled away, Newt then stepped up next to us two and smiled pulling us both in for a hug.

"Shuck, shucket, tonight were going to escape...Tommy since you know more now you and teresa do what you need to do to get us out of here, the rest of us will help protect you both" Thomas nodded and Newt patted his back before they both turned to the door leaving i followed them.

"shouldnt we tell alby to give the orders so everyone can be ready, plus decide if they actually want to go with us" i called out to them, their pace was fast to keep up with, trying to keep up made a sick feeling in my stomach.

i ignored it and kept trying to keep up.

"well thats where we're going, to alby...Tommy you go tell Frypan to start packing some food packs for all of us to take..find teresa while your at it, make sure shes not getting into trouble, Cora you stay with me" Newt ordered as we filed down the stairs once at the bottom thomas imediatly left to head of to Frypan.

"uh so Newt. we should make some long distance weapons...shouldnt we?" i mumbled out, Newt nodded and told a boy we past to tell the builders that. we soon found Alby who was sweating and looked paniced. 

"we shouldnt leave newt the world outside...its no better" alby spoke out as Newt shut the door behind us, New then proceeded to shrug.

"its better than being picked off one by one"  he said with a harsh tone, Newt must've been sick of this shucking maze being here for 3 years.

"just give the order Alby for those who want to come, then everything can be prepared by the time we need to go" Newt said dragging alby out of the homestead, i told each boy we passed there was a gathering, they nodded and went to tell others.

A/N the great escape is gonna be epic in the Next chapter....some of you are suspiscious that Cora is pregnant....i can neither confirm or deny that until i can shatter your hearts the way john green did in the fault in our stars...slowly then all at once

The Box //The Maze Runner//Newt// Book 1Where stories live. Discover now