Chapter 1

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~~Nagisa's POV~~ 

I huffed as I climbed the mountain to get to class. I was the first one here. Like always. I would get here early to escape my mother. I sat at my desk, doing my homework. Just as I finished the first page, I heard the door open and looked up. I was surprised to see a new student coming in. She was short and had green hair tied up in pigtails. 

"Are you new?"

"Yup! I just transferred here today!" She waited a moment before saying, "Your hair sure is long." She worked at a super fast speed, and soon, my hair was put up in pigtails. After she was done, she told me, "Look, you're the same as me now!" 

I had never thought of putting my hair in pigtails. It did make my hair look shorter. 


Our whole class was here, but Yukimura-sensei still hasn't showed up. Suddenly, the door opened and 2 men and a women came into the class. But our attention wasn't on them. It was on the yellow octopus-looking guy behind them. The yellow octopus guy stood at the podium and the others stood behind him. 

"How do you do? I'm the one who blasted your moon. And I plan to do the same to Earth next year. Now I'm your teacher. Nice to meet you." 

One of the guys behind him walked forward. 

"I'm Karasuma from the ministry of defense. First, please understand that what I'm about to say is a state secret. Let me be blunt:" He let out a sigh. "I want you to kill this creature."  

I look around and the whole class looks taken back. I mean, it's not every day you hear that a weird alien dude who just blew up the moon, and is planning to blow up the Earth comes to your class, claiming to be your new teacher and you have to try to kill it. 

"What is that? Is that an alien or whatever that came to attack us?" Mimura-kun asks.

The alien octopus guy looks offended. "How rude! I'll have you know that I was born and raised on Earth!" 

He was?

"I'm afraid I can't discuss the details, but he's telling the truth. Come March next year, this creature who smashed the moon will destroy Earth as well. Only the world leaders know about this. If new of this guy gets out there, we'd be looking at a global panic. You've got to kill him in secret before that happens. In other words... an assassination," Karasuma-san says, pulling out a knife and swinging it at the yellow thing, and missing. "But this guy... is extremely fast. You try to kill him..." While talking, Karasuma-san tries several other time, coming up empty handed. "... and he ends up grooming your eyebrows instead -- immaculately." The yellow thing was now behind Karasuma-san and he was, indeed, grooming his eyebrows. A sudden gush of wind blows as Karasuma-san tries to attack again. "This super being has the power to turn a full moon into a crescent. His speed tops out at Mach 20! In short, if he get's away, we'll be left helpless, awaiting our destruction."

The yellow guy speaks up. "And that's no fun. So I made your government an offer: No killing me. Instead, I'll teach class 3-E at Kunugigaoka Junior High School."

Wait... why?

Karasuma-kun starts talking again. "We don't know what he's after, but we were forced to agree. On the condition that he doesn't harm any of you students. We have 2 reasons. First and foremost, coming to a classroom everyday lets us keep an eye on him. And second, it gives some 30 people the opportunity to kill him from extremely close range."

Things were definitely get interesting. 


So I do realize that at this point this chapter is basically pointless to the actual plot of the story. This chapter is basically to fill you in if you have no idea what's happening. Well... I've already finished this chapter so on with the next. I promise the next chapter will probably be less useless than this chapter. BYE

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