Chapter 11

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Hey! This is going to be a shorter chapter, and a longer ending A/N. You'll see why. Yeah. On with the story!


~~Nagisa's POV~~

Itona-kun's tentacles came out again, except only this time they were black.

"Black tentacles?" Hara-san asked.

"Oh crap! He's gone off the deep end!" Maehara-kun exclaimed.

"I am strong. These tentacles made me stronger than the all the rest." Itona-kun said, looking extremely angry. "All the rest."

Itona-kun ran and launched himself at Korosensei. Just before Itona-kun could reach him, Shiro-san fired a bullet of sorts. The bullet hit Itona-kun and he lost conscious almost immediately. 

"My apologies, Korosensei. It seems this boy wasn't mentally prepared for school yet. I know it's his first day and all, but he'll be taking a break." Shiro-san walked over to Itona-kun and slung him over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes. 

He looked back at Korosensei. "After all, March is just around the corner. I'll take on the task of tutoring him at home."

~~Third Person's POV~~

Shiro walked away, Itona still slung over his shoulders. Half way down the path, Shiro stopped walking, looking back at the school. "His personality with keep him from escaping that school before the Earth's destruction. And that class..." He turned back around and walked away again. It started raining again. "They're so unpredictable, like today's sudden rain."


~~Nagisa's POV~~ 

"Karma-kun, Nagisa-kun. May I speak to you guys for a moment?" 

Both of our heads snapped up to see Korosensei looking at us. We had just finished moving our desk and chair back, and were about to head home. "Uh, sure." 

Korosensei brought us to his office and literally shooed Karasuma-sensei, who was originally there, out. "Now,  I've noticed both of you were a little off today." 

Was he hearing voices too?

Was he hearing voices too?



(When they have their thought together, it's at the same time.)

I turned my head towards him and see him staring at me, looking very confusion written all over his face. I then looked at Korosensei, who's eyes were darting between me and Karma-kun. His face was pink. Then he turned yellow again. "Is there anything wrong?"

"Well...Uh... I've been hearing voices in my head." I told Korosensei, honestly. Korosensei smirked. Or it looked like a smirk. 

"And what about you, Karma-kun? Why were you off?" Korosensei asked.

"Er... The same reason as Nagisa-kun, I guess." 

Then, something surprising happened. Korosenei turned pink, again, and squealed. He squealed. Now I was even more confused than before. 

Did I miss something?

I'm not sure... I mean, I don't get it either. 

Korosensei cleared his throat. "And when did you start hearing these voices?" 

"Just this morning." Karma-kun and I said at the same time.  

"I ask you to talk to Isogai-kun and Maehara-kun. They may be able to help you." Korosensei told us. We nodded. "Thank you, Korosensei."  And we left the office. 

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