Chapter 3

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~~Nagisa's POV~~

Karma-kun and I were walking to a nearby cafe. He had asked me to get food with him. After he tried to kill our teacher by committing suicide. Totally normal. We arrived at the cafe and ordered strawberry shortcake for him and a blueberry pie for me. The waitress looked at us and smiled. What was that about?

"So, how are you feeling Karma-kun?" I asked.

"I don't know. It's weird, you know?"

I nodded and we sat there, not talking. Soon after, our desserts arrived along with two shakes. Karma-kun and I looked at the waitress. "We didn't order the shakes." Karma told her.

"I know, but didn't you see the sign on the door? It's a promotion. Every costumer who comes with their partner today gets one." Our waitress told us and left to help the next customer. I looked over at Karma-kun and noticed that his face was slightly pink.

"Are you okay, Karma-kun? You're looking a bit red." (Because Nagisa is that innocent) 

He turned a few shades darker. "I'm fine, it's just... a bit... warm in here." 

"Oh. Do you want to eat now?"

"Yeah. Sure."

We ate our desserts and drank our shakes in silence. The shake was delicious. It was a simple strawberry shake topped with chocolate, berries and whipped cream. I stopped drinking to eat my pie and saw Karma-kun containing a smile. 

"What? Is there something wrong?" 

"No, you just have whipped cream on your face. Here, let me help."

He got a napkin and wiped the whipped cream off of my upper lip and stared at it for a really long time. 

"Uh... Karma-kun?"

Karma-kun looked at me in shock, fell off his chair and his face turned the color of his hair. "I'm sorry, Nagisa-kun."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Let's go home, it's getting late."


We paid for our food and left the cafe. It was already dark out. We walked while talking about Korosensei. I told him all his weaknesses so far, but there weren't that many. We kept walking until we were at my house. 

"Thanks, Karma-kun. Well, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah. See you tomorrow, Nagisa-kun."


~~Karma's POV~~ 

I was actually on time today. I really don't care about the education, but I wanted to spend a little time with Nagisa-kun.

You should just tell him you like him. Maybe I should just tell him. No, that'll ruin your friendship if he rejects you. I sighed. 

Korosensei, Karasuma-sensei and a woman walked into the room. "Now, allow me to introduce you to your brand-new temporary foreign-language teacher." Karasuma-sensei told us. 

"Irina Jelavic. Nice to meet you all!" The new teacher told us. 

All at once, a bunch of people started talking. The chatter died down when Karasuma-sensei started talking.

"This school intends to give you authentic experience in foreign languages. I trust there are no complaints about her taking half your English lessons?"

I saw Kayano-san talking to Nagisa-kun. I was jealous. Why can't I be the one talking to him? Then Nagisa-kun half-smiled and took out his notebook. So they're only talking about Korosensei. Good.  I looked back at Korosensei and was surprised when I saw his face all pink and glowing. 

"He's just plain smitten."

"There's no mistaking that face."

"How human of him." 

Jelevic-sensei started talking to Korosensei. "The more I look at you, the more I want to see. Your beady eyes, like two diarrhea pills... your undefined joints... Why, your positively captivating." Did she really compare his eyes to diarrhea pills? That's just not the most romantic comparison.  

A bunch of the girls spoke up. "How embarrassing."

"Don't let her trick you Korosensei! No woman find those things attractive!" 

I looked over at Nagisa-kun, and saw him in deep thought. 


~~Nagisa's POV~~

We were doing a drill in PE, and Jelavic-sensei came. "Oh, Korosensei! Karasuma-sensei told me that you're oh so very fast. Is that true?" 

Korosensei looked at her, rubbing his head. "Well, not that fast..."

Jelavic-sensei looked at Korosensei with pleading eyes. "Could you do me a favor? I'd love to try some real Vietnamese coffee. Won't you bring me some while I'm teaching English?"

Korosensei turned pink. "Why, of course. I happen to know a great cafe in Vietnam." After he stopped talking, he went up and probably flew to Vietnam. 

I looked around at the rest of the class. Most people were looking at the ground, the sky or Jelavic-sensei. 



Hey people! Thank you all for your support! I can't believe how far this story has gotten and we're only on chapter 3. I didn't expect this. Thank you so much!

I realized that this was not a useless chapter at all. Improvement! Anyway, just so you know, the next chapter will be the after the assembly. Because I'm a lazy writer and that part doesn't help the story. By the way, Bitch sensei doesn't kiss Nagisa but does but his face between her boobs. 

Just to clarify, you can only telepathically communicate with the other person when you realize that you actually like them. So Nagisa does like Karma, but he doesn't know it yet, so that's why they haven't been able to like telepathically communicate. 

Also, since it's almost Spring Break, I'll try to publish more often, like maybe 2 chapters per week. This turned out to be a very long A/N. Thanks for reading the story. BYE!

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