Chapter 2

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~~ Nagisa's POV~~

It's been several days since Korosensei  became our teacher. We have made several attempts at killing him, but we have not yet succeeded. First, Terasaka-kun got me to wear a anti-sensei grenade, but he was just too fast. Then, Sugino-kun got a baseball covered in anti-sensei beads. Of course, that didn't work either. Karasuma-sensei had just officially taken over our phys ed class. 

"Why, my students happened to like my gym classes."

Sugaya-kun spoke up. "Liar. Korosensei's physical abilities are just too different." 

"Remember that one time?" Sugino-kun added.


"Now let's try jumping side to side. I'll show you how it's done." Korosensei had said.

After he had spoken, Korosensei moved side to side so fast that had had been a blur. 

"Once you're used to it, you can toss some cat-cradle in the mix." He had added, while doing the cat-cradle.

{End of Flashback}

Nakamura-chan smiled slightly. "He's just too far out."

Sugino-kun nodded. "I'd like a human teacher for gym, thanks." 

Korosensei looked sad. "Boo hoo hoo..." 

"Okay, let's get back to work." Karasuma-sensei told us.

Maehara-kun looked at Karasuma-sensei. "But Karasuma-sensei, is there any point to all this training? And should we do it right in front of our target?"

Karasuma-sensei showed no emotion. "It's the same in assassination as in studying. Drill the basics and they'll serve you well. "

The same? 

"Isogai-kun, Maehara-kun, step forward. Try hitting me with those knives."

They both looked shocked. "Are you sure?" Isogai-kun asked. 

"As a team?" Maehara-kun added. 

"Those knives won't hurt us humans. If they give me as much as a scratch, you may go home for the day." Karasuma-sensei said while loosening his tie. 

Isogai-kun and Maehara-kun looked at each other. "Uh... well, err... okay, then." 

They got ready and attacked. Karasuma-sensei dodged every one. "Come on." 

They attacked some more, but the knives couldn't touch Karasuma-sensei. 

"As you see, with little knowledge, even I could handle the knives of two amateurs."


Isogai-kun looked at Karasuma-sensei and attacked. Karasuma-sensei side stepped and Isogai-kun landed on Maehara-kun in a weird position. They quickly got off each other, blushing as they did so. 

Karasuma-sensei looked at Maehara-kun and Isogai-kun."If you can't hit me, your chances of hitting him at Mach 20 is slim to none. See? While we were sparring, he had built a Osaka Castle in the sandbox, changed clothes and is brewing some tea! Once the whole class is capable of hitting me, your chances of success, will increase by leaps and bounds.  " 

He turned and looked at the rest of the class. "During gym class, I'll be teaching you stabbing, shooting-- all of the assassination basics."

"Woah." Sugino-kun whispered under his breath.

"That's  all for today."

We all bowed and said thank you and turned to leave. 

I walked beside Sugino-kun. "A quiz in six-period, eh?"

"Wish we could've gone home after gym."

I looked up to see a certain red-head, holding a carton of strawberry milk. 

"Hey, Nagisa-kun. It's been a while."

I stared at him. "Karma-kun... You're back!"

He smiled warmly at me. He looked around and must've seen Korosensei. "Huh," was all he said and walked past me without a second glance. 

I felt something weird in my stomach. It's probably nothing.  

"So that's the infamous Korosensei? Whoa, he really does look like an octopus." 

"Ah, Akabane Karma-kun... is it? I'd heard your suspension was up today. But you shouldn't be tardy on the first day back."

"It's hard to get back into the swing of things. Feel free to call me by my first name. Nice to meet you, Teach!"   

He held out his hand for Korosensei to take. "Likewise. Let's make it a fun year." 

Korosensei took Karma-kun's hand. Karma-kun squeezed his hand hard and Korosensei's tentacles exploded.


This whole day, Karma-kun has been trying to kill Korosensei, but failing miserably. He had been fed, got his nails done, put into a frilly pink apron, and his hair done. After school, I found Karma-kun on a tree on the side of a cliff. 

"Karma-kun. Don't sweat it. We'll all do it together. Once Korosensei has his eye on you, you can't kill him by yourself, no matter the method. He's not like other teachers."

"Teachers... eh?" 

I couldn't see what he was thinking, but he looked like he was deep in thought. 

"Yeah, no. I want to do it. Nothing'd tick me off more than him dying off in some random place."


We both turned our heads the other way. We saw Korosensei walking towards us. 

"I've certainly taken good care of you today, haven't I? You can still try to kill me, you know. I'll polish you up even shinier." His face was stripped green, meaning that he was feeling cocky.

Karma-kun stood up. "Just to make sure... You are a teacher, correct?"

Korosensei nodded once. "Yes."

I could tell Karma-kun was thinking of something.  

"And you would, say, risk your life to protect your students?"

That question made me realize what he was planning to do.

"Of course -- I am a teacher, after all." 

Karma-kun smiled.  "Okay, good. Then I can kill you." He pointed his gun out and leaned back. "For sure." and fell off the cliff. Before I could process what I was doing, I ran to the edge and yelled "Karma-kun!" I looked at Korosensei. "Please! Save him!" And he was gone. I looked back and saw that Korosensei had made a web and caught the fallen Karma-kun. Karma-kun was struggling in the tentacles.

After they had gotten back on solid ground. They were talking again. Something about not giving up. I could only look down and wonder how he could've done that. Then I remember my attempt was something like this. Suddenly, I heard my name over my thoughts. "Let's head on back, Nagisa. We can eat on the way."

"Hey! That's my purse!"

 And off they go bickering again. I ran over to Karma and headed home.



Hey! As I promised, this chapter is less useless than the first one. I know that there is more Isohara in this chapter than Karmagisa (that's what I prefer to call it), but it's relevant to the plot, so hang in there people. As you may have noticed, I published this a day in advance. I have some important stuff tomorrow, so I can't do it then. Sorry 'bout that. Yeah. BYE!

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