Chapter 6

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~Karma's POV~~

We had just finished the day. We went around Kyoto and went sight seeing. Not without trying to kill Korosensei anyway.

It was close to bedtime and we were in our rooms, talking. There was a knock and the door slid open. All the girls were there. "Hey peeps!" Nakamura-san said, smiling.

"What are you doing here?" Sugina-kun asked.

"Well, we asked Korosensei if we could do something as a group and he said yes. So here we are. Oh, by the way, we're playing truth or dare." Nakamura-san replied. 

All the guys looked at her and Miramatsu-kun spoke up. "We don't really have a say in this do we?" 

Nakamura-san smiled. "Nope! Get in a circle people! We've got a game to play!" We did as she said. I sat down with Nagisa-kun on my right and Kimura-kun on my left.

"I'll start." She looked around. "Hm... Kayano-san, truth or dare?" Kayano-san looked surprised. 

"Uh, truth?" Kayano-san replied. 

Nakamura-san pouted. "Well that's no fun. Okuda-san, pass me the vial." Okuda-san nodded and passed a little tube of lilac liquid. "Here, one drop of this will probably last you a minute or so." 

Kayano-san looked suspicious. "What exactly is this?" 

Nakamura-san smiled. "It's a truth potion. And don't worry, it's safe."

Kayano-san relaxed. Just a little bit. "Alright..." She took the vial and drank exactly one sip. Nothing seemed unusual. I mean, she wasn't dying.  

"If you had to make out with someone right now, who would it be?" Nakamura-san asked. 

Kayano-san blushed. "I'd make out with Nagisa-kun. He's just so cute!" 

I felt a bit angry and jealous. I mean, is she really going to fight me for my Nagisa-kun? Technically, he's not yours. Not yet, at least.  

Kayano-san then asked Maehara-kun. He chose dare. Kayano-san thought for a moment and said "I dare you to say pickle after every sentence you say until your next turn or until the night is over."

Maehara-kun sighed. "Alright. Pickle."

Everyone started giggling. 

"Truth or dare, Isogai-kun? Pickle. "Maehara-kun asked Isogai-kun. 


"I dare you to go to Karasuma-sensei and tell him you have a boner. Pickle."

It didn't end really well. Karasuma-sensei looked at Isogai-kun weirdly and told him to deal with it on his own. Everyone laughed. 

The game went on, but I wasn't really paying attention. At some point, Nagisa-kun was asked and he chose truth. Honestly, he seemed like that type of person who always chose truth. He took the vial with the truth serum, and was asked a question. (BTW, the person who was asking was Kurahashi)

"Who do you think is the hottest out of all of us?"

"Karma-kun." Nagisa-kun answered truthfully. 

Everyone slowly turned their heads to look at me and Nagisa-kun. I might've blushed. Just a little. Everyone looked confused. 

"The truth serum still works, so I'll ask this question. Are you gay, Nagisa-kun?" Sugino-kun asked.

"Well, honestly, I don't really know. But I do know there has been this weird feeling in my chest sometimes." Nagisa-kun told Sugino-kun.

(Quick POV change because I can)

~~Nagisa's POV~~

I couldn't do anything about what I was saying. I tried to close my mouth, but words just kept coming. Only when I answered the question did I gain control over my body. This was one weird truth serum. 

(Back to Karma)

~~Karma's POV~~

Then, everyone got back to the game, but Nakamura-san had a very big smirk on her face. 

The game continued and I spaced off. "Hey! Earth to Karma-kun. Truth or dare?" Nakamura-san asked, waving a hand in my face.

"Er, dare?" I knew with Nakamura-san it doesn't matter whether I chose truth or dare. 

Nakamura-san grew horns and a tail. I knew what that meant. She was getting down to business. "I dare you to kiss the person on your right and get at least 15 hits." I'm pretty sure I turned the color of my hair. I turned and cupped Nagisa-kun's face in my hands. I licked my lips as I slowly moved our faces closer together. I felt his cheeks warm up. I pressed my lips on his. I slowly began my hits.












I felt Nagisa-kun fall unconscious in my arms. Then a thought hit me. That was Nagisa-kun's first kiss. Nakamura-san caught me looking at her. She mouthed the words 'your welcome'.

I couldn't help but smile for the rest of the night. 



Hey peeps. I do realize that in the actual story, Nakumura actually likes Nagisa, but in this story, she doesn't like anyone and is the self proclaimed class matchmaker. Actually, anyone who likes Nagisa in the actual story, except Kayano, doesn't like Nagisa here. Clear? Great. I'm just rambling now. Thanks for reading and I'll see you in the next chapter. BYE!

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