Chapter 9

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~~Naigsa's POV~~

School was different today. First, Bitch-sensei and that other guy, were trying to kill Karasuma-sensei. Eventually, Bitch-sensei did 'stab' Karasuma-sensei.

School was over, and most of us were packing up. I was showing Karma-kun a magazine I had bought. 

"Aren't you in a good mood, Korosensei? Got afterschool plans?" I looked up and saw Isogai-kun holding his gun, pointing it at Korosensei. 

"Yes, I'm going to Hawaii to see a movie. It's getting an America premiere. I've been really looking forward for it." Korosensei replied, without looking up from his magazine. 

Nakamura-san and Kataoka-san also went up to the podium.

"No way! That's cold!" Nakamura-san said. 

Korosensei laughed. "Mach 20 speed was made for times like this!"

Kataoka-san looked at the magazine Korosensei was reading. "Sonic Ninja?" 

Nakamura-san joined her. "Oh yeah, that super hero flick." 

Maehara-kun also went to Korosensei. "Tell us all about it tomorrow!" 

"Yes, yes, I will." Korosensei told them. 

A few minutes later, Korosensei headed outside. "Well, then, I guess I'll be off." 

"Korosensei!" I yelled, running up to him. He turned around. "Please, take us with you."

"Oh, you like the franchise, do you?" 

I lit up. "Uh-huh. We've been waiting for the sequel for ages."

Korosensei turned to look at Karma-kun. "I didn't expect you to be into superhero movies, Karma-kun." 

Karma-kun scratched his head. "I like the director, and he rarely handles comic book source material." 

"I'd like to come too, Nagisa-san!" I pull out my phone, the source of the sound, and see Ritsu on my screen. "Pardon the intrusion."

I stare at the screen. "Ritsu, why are you in my phone?" 

"To facilitate information sharing among students, I downloaded my data onto everyone's cellphones. Call my 'Mobile Ritsu'!" She said, saluting.

  "So she can do just about anything too." 

I flip the phone so that Korosensei can also see her. "I'd like to take a trip with Korosensei at Mack 20. Perhaps my camera images can assist in assassination planning."

"All right, on the way to the movie, I'll give you a taste of my speed!"

A second later, Karma-kun and I were inside Korosensei's robe. 

"Hey, Karma-kun? You know, I asked him on a whim... but what have we gotten ourselves into here?" I asked him, without moving.

"Yeah, well... actually, we never considered the safety of it all." He answered, while reaching for my hand, giving it a light squeeze.

"Not to worry. I'll accelerate gently so no one gets hurt." And we were off. Karma-kun and I screamed while ascending, and we were squeezing each other's hand so tightly, my hand felt numb for a bit. 

Then, we were basically horizontal. "S-so... fast!" I said.

Karma-kun laughed. "Fantastic! I can see the Pacific Ocean!"

The sun was starting to set when I realized something. "Huh, there's really not much sound and wind, is there, sensei? You're head is deflecting most of it."

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