Chapter 10

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Sorry this chapter came so late! I've been bombarded with schoolwork, so I didn't really have the time to write this. But I finally got the Karmagisa going! Yay me! Also thank you guys SO much for 650 views! This story has gotten so far! Also, there will be more POV changes than normal. It's also going to be a very long chapter. So yeah. Anyways, on to the story!


~~Nagisa's POV~~

I woke up feeling tired. I yawned and slowly made my way to my bathroom. I started brushing my teeth with my eyes still half closed when I heard a 'ping' from my phone. I picked up my phone, my toothbrush still in my mouth. I unlocked my phone and opened my messages.  

KARMA - Good Morning!

I froze, remembering what happened last night and blushed. 

NAGISA - Morning!

I finished getting ready, but I realized I was running late. Quickly grabbing a quick bite, I headed to school. 


I stared out the window. It was dark and cloudy, as if it could rain any second. We had just learned a little about this new transfer student.

The door suddenly opened, revealing a tall man, wearing a white robe, his face covered. 

"What's with the outfit?" Okano-san asked.

The hooded figure stretched out his arm, his hand in a clenched fist. Moments later, he opens his fist and there was a pigeon on the palm of his hand. (I'm assuming it's a pigeon. I'm not a bird expert though.)

"Sorry, didn't mean to frighten you. I'm not the new student, I'm his guardian. You can call me Shiro, meaning white." He said, letting the pigeon go. 

Kayano-chan turns towards me, but then frowned, turning back. I was about to ask her what was wrong when I noticed Korosensei in his liquid form. "Korosensei, you scaredy-cat!" 

"Well, Ritsu-san was telling all those scary stories!" Korosensei defended. Then, his eyes moved to look at Shiro-san. "N-nice to meet you, Shiro-san. And where is our new student?" Korosensei asked, morphing back into his regular form. 

Shiro-san pulled out a box from his sleeve. "It's a pleasure, Korosensei. He's a rather unique child, personality and otherwise. I'll introduce him myself." Shiro-san walked towards the podium, stopping abruptly, eyes scanning the classroom. 

"Yes?" Korosensei asked.

"Oh, just... You've got good kids here." Shiro-san turned to look at Korosensei. "I'm sure he'll fit right in." He turned back to us. "Now, to introduce him. Hey, Itona! Come on in." 

I felt every single pair of eyes look towards the door, expecting them to enter. Out of nowhere, the back wall broke, and a guy, presumably Itona-kun, walked in and sat in the desk between Karma-kun and Terasaka-kun. 

"I won. I proved I'm stronger than that classroom wall." Itona-kun said, voice full of bloodlust.  

The entire class stared at him. "Use the damn door!"

"That's all that matters, that's all." We've got ourselves another handful. I looked over at Korosensei. Even Korosensei doesn't  know how to react. He's not smiling, he's serious. And what's with that weird expression? 

"This is Horibe Itona. Please call him Itona." Shiro-san told us. 

~~Karma's POV~~

We've got ourselves another handful. Even Korosensei doesn't know how to react. He's not smiling, he's serious. And what's with that weird expression? 

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