Chapter 8

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~~Nagisa's POV~~ 

I laid in my bed, wondering if Kayano-chan was okay. Her exit was a bit unexpected. I was definitely going to ask her about it tomorrow. I shut my eyes and fell asleep.


I got to school later than usual, because Mother had a bit of a tantrum. She had slapped me really hard, and my face was still stinging. 

When I got on the train, I saw Karma-kun with his strawberry milk and walked over to him. "Hey!"

He turned his head and looked surprised to see me. Then, his face was full of concern. "Good morning. What happened to your face? Was it your mom?"

I nodded, turning away.

Karma-kun put his hand on my shoulder. "Hey. I'm sorry."

I was confused. "For what?"

"You know... for ignoring you."

The heart squeezing feeling came back, but I ignored it. I was definitely going to ask Kayano-chan about it when we got to school. 

The rest of the trip was in awkward silence. I wanted to start a conversation, but I didn't know  how. 

By the time we got to school, almost everyone was beside the AIFA. 

(Because you're probably not here for the school part)

~~Kayano's POV~~

Korosensei just left for lunch. Nagisa-kun asked to meet me at the back of the shed.  

"Are you okay? You left quite suddenly yesterday and I was worried." He told me, concern written all over his face.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I answered.

"And, um... Could you tell me what's wrong with me?" He asked.

I giggled. "There's nothing wrong with you. Do you know if you like anyone?"

"Yeah. I like you, Karma-kun, Sugino-kun and other people from our class." 

When I heard his response, I giggled harder. "No, I mean like-like. Like do you have a crush on anyone?"

His face turned pink. "I... I don't think so."

I knew I had to tell him. One part of me says to tell him, because he deserves to know, but the other part of me says not to, to keep him for myself. I mentally groaned in frustration. You are here to kill Korosensei to avenge your sister, not fall in love with a guy.

"I can't tell you, Nagisa-kun. I'm so sorry."

I turned and ran into the woods. You shouldn't be crying. Not over this. I sat under a tree and cried until I had no more tears left. 

~~Nagisa's POV~~
(Right when Kayano runs)

I sat there, bento in hand, starting in the direction Kayano-chan ran in. I finished my lunch and went inside. Korosensei was back. He was sitting on the podium, sulking. Everyone was looking at him and I slipped into the classroom. There were several conversations going on at once.

"Hey! Why don't we pick a name for her? Autonomous Intelligence Fixed Artillery is a mouthful." I heard Kataoka-san say. 

"Sure is." replied.

"Let's see... Maybe take part of that..."

Fuwa-san lit up. "How about Ritsu?" 

Chiba-kun raised his head off his desk. "Cop-out."

"What? It's cute!" Fuwa-san said angrily.  

"Ritsu..." AIFA repeated the name.

"You okay with that?" 

AIFA smiled. Yes, very happy! Please, call me Ritsu!"

I walked over to Karma-kun. 

"This might just work out" I told him.

"I wonder. It's like Terasaka-kun said: she's just following Korosensei's program. It's not like machines have free will. Where ever she goes from here, it's up to the guys who built her."

Kayano-chan walked through the door, eyes scanning the room. When her eyes landed on me and Karma-kun, her face changed, but only for a few seconds. 


Ritsu was back to 'normal'. "Good morning, everybody."

 "The deal is that you not harm any of your students, and now upgrades will be considered 'harm'. " Karasuma-sensei looked at Terasaka-kun. "The same goes for you. If you tie her up, or break her, you'll be asked to pay damages. These are the owners' wishes, We have to comply." 

Korosensei scratched his head. "Owners? I don't know. I'd like to put my student's feelings first, not her parents'."

We carried on with class. Everyone was subtly looking at Ritsu.

 If she's been downgraded... Are we looking at another day of long assault? Ritsu turned on. Here it comes. I held my breath.  

"I promised I'd make flowers." Instead of guns, a variety of bouquets took it's place. Petals were everywhere. "Korosensei made 985 improvements to my body. My master judged most of them irrelevant to assassination and removed them, deleted them, restored my factory defaults. But of what I have learned of the E class, I myself decided that my ability to cooperate was essential to assassination, so before it was deleted, I hid it in the corner of memory inside a related piece of software."

"Wonderful! Ritsu, this must mean... " 

"Yes, I have defied my master of my own will!" 

I heard Karma-kun say "Nice one."

"Korosensei, does is mean I'm in a rebellious phase? Am I a bad girl?" Ritsu said, looking a bit sad.

"Not at all.  You're a third year junior high student, and a fine one at that!" Korosensei's face turned into the 'correct' one. (The red one with the circle.) 



Sorry for not updating... It's been a long time. Anyway. Thanks for reading this chapter. TBH, I've sort of been off lately, so I might not update again for a long time. Sorry. Going to keep the A/N short. Bye!

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